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  1. Try this, I use a sequence of fgets() then sscanf(): #include #define MAX 32 main(){ FILE *file_ptr; int data[50],counter=0, max_value; char file_name[] = "data.txt"; char buffer[32]; if(file_ptr = fopen(file_name, "r")){ while(fgets(buffer, MAX, file_ptr)){ sscanf(buffer, "%i", &data[counter++]); } } else{ printf("file is not there\n"); } max_value = counter; printf("Contents of array is:\n"); for(counter = 0; counter < max_value; counter++){ printf("%d\n", data[counter]); } fclose(file_ptr); } The file data.txt is a single column of ints: 22 14 15 35 45 67 999 Compile & run it and see if this is what you want. -G.L.-
  2. gman

    Geek Joke

    Try this one: This truck driver hauling a tractor-trailer load of computers stops for a beer. As he approaches the bar he sees a big sign on the door saying NERDS NOT ALLOWED-ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!" He goes in and sits down. The bartender comes over to him, sniffs, says he smells kind of nerdy, asks him what he does for a living. The truck driver says he drives a truck, and the smell is just from the computers he is hauling. The bartender says OK, truck drivers are not nerds, and serves him a beer. As he is sipping his beer, a skinny guy walks in with tape around his glasses, a pocket protector with twelve kinds of pens and pencils, and a belt at least a foot too long. The bartender, without saying a word, pulls out a shotgun and blows the guy away. The truck driver asks him why he did that. The bartender said not to worry, the nerds are overpopulating the Silicon Valley, and are in season now. You don't even need a license, he said. So the truck driver finishes his beer, gets back in his truck, and heads back onto the freeway. Suddenly he veers to avoid an accident, and the load shifts. The back door breaks open and computers spill out all over the freeway. He jumps out and sees a crowd already forming, grabbing up the computers. They are all engineers, accountants and programmers wearing the nerdiest clothes he has ever seen. He can't let them steal his whole load. So remembering what happened in the bar, he pulls out his gun and starts blasting away, felling several of them instantly. A highway patrol officer comes zooming up and jumps out of the car screaming at him to stop. The truck driver said, "What's wrong? I thought nerds were in season.""Well, sure," said the patrolman, "But you can't bait 'em."
  3. gman


    Private pilot: 85 hours in Robinson R22 (Alpha & Beta), it's a helicopter. Haven't flown in over 10 years. -G.L.-
  4. 8:00 AM.....a little early don't you think? OK...I'll be there. G.M.L.
  5. I have to keep this short, due to bad economic times in the High Tech business, the company that I work for would conduct periodic layoffs to reduce their expense. For some unknown reason they always do it on Tuesday. Well guess what!!!!! I'm not sure If I get to stay or get the "boot". Well if I'm not around by the end of the day I'd like to say "thanks for the memories". Uh...oh, the "suits" are wondering in the hallways, the "carnage" has begun. By the way, I'll be at Perris this weekend for the gathering, employed or not. G.M.L.
  6. Gave up gambling and booze. I would head to Vegas twice a year, but no more. I'd play craps, get drunk at the bar, stagger back to my room, and then pass out. I miss the good old days! -G.L.-
  7. I wear goggles over my glasses and the glasses always fogs up. Someone suggested that I use this "cheap" anti-fog solution. Mix 30% "Johnson's Baby shampoo" to 70% water(it doesn't have to be exact), liberally coat the surface(in this case both sides of the lens and the interior of the goggles), and let it dry. Don't wipe off the soap film. Does this really work? has for me, but I don't know how effective this is for visors, you'll have to try it for yourself. Dust particles will stick to the dried soap film so you'll need to clean the surface and re-apply again. Hope this proves useful to you. -G.L.-
  8. I've tried both weight vests and belts, and after a full day of jumping, the belt does not fatigue me as much as the vest. I wear 10 lbs of lead and maybe that has something to do with the comfort factor. Borrow a belt and see if it makes any difference for you. -G.L.-
  9. Have you tried looking at ? They make goggles with prescription lenses, they don't make torsan style goggles but you may find something that you like.
  10. Michele, just do it. Perris has a habit of getting windy in the late afternoon and you may be put on a "wind hold" without a license. I just got my "A" last Friday and I've been jumping all weekend until my arms got too tired from packing my own gear. I'll be there this Fri. & Sat. and will talk to you then. -G.L.-
  11. If I want to relax a bit, it's usually beer. If I want to be heavily "medicated" it's Gin Martinis or Scotch. -G.L.-
  12. That's it.....That's going to be your nickname...."Dusty"
  13. Wildblue, are correct, but I have gotten off AFF status a few weeks ago and still working on my "A". When it happened my instincts said "just do it now". But now I have the luxury of "experience" and some good advice from you and others. I'll just put this incident into the "lessons to be learned" catagory. -G.L.-
  14. Carl, Looks like I'll have to change the way I do things, double check everything during the pack job, during deployment have hands around the rear risers and look at toggles while slider comes down, check to see if canopy is flying correctly, reach up to collapse slider, and then release brakes. I'll get my "A" by the end of this month, other "stuff" needs to be taken care of first. -G.L.-
  15. I went to Perris last Friday to do some jumps. On the ride up to altitude the pilot said "everybody needs to jump in 2 minutes, we've got a problem". We normally exit at 12.5K but when we got to about 10K the red light came on and the door opened. Everybody exited calmly, including me. I had a safe landing and when I got back to the to the packing area, somebody said "did you notice that the left engine was completely shut down when you jumped?", I was concentrating on my exit. I just experienced my first "Aircraft emergency". "It just had to happen", good thing I had a parachute with me at the time..(ha...ha...ha). Came back Saturday to do more jumps. On the last jump of the day, "it just had to happen". I exited the aircraft and "did my dive". I threw out my PC and waited for the slider to come down. I reach for the slider to collapse it and that's when it all felt "wrong". My canopy started to shake up and down for a second, the shape of the canopy was fine and I don't know why it's happening. All of a sudden I go into a turn, I could feel the leg straps digging into me and it was getting worse. "OH...F***", I pulled red and then silver, first cutaway. It happened so fast I even amazed myself that I can acutally do it. I looked up and there was my my fully inflated reserve. Looked down and saw my "stuff" floating to the ground. I almost convinced myself to follow my gear to the ground but I decided to go back to the DZ instead. I had a safe landing, I was physically fine but mentally dead, too much exitement for the day. Got some help trying to find my gear, went to the area that I think it may have landed. It was a good thing I didn't follow my gear down. The area consists of trees, dried out vegetation 5 feet high, and some deep ditches. The area is known as "the nursery" because that's what the area used to be. It took 2 hours before one of the staff members found it. It drifted out farther than expected, I was relieved because this is rented gear and I don't have to pay for a replacement. But I do have to pay for the reserve repack and some new handles. The mal was my fault, after we got the canopy back to the shop we looked at the toggles, one of them was stowed improperly, I had a brake line come loose. I was the "idiot" that put it that way...oops! It's not all that bad, I'm still alive and kicking, had a few "firsts", and learned how not to stow a toggle. Will be in the air this weekend again! -G.L.-