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  1. Let's start with something nice. This dropzone is located in the Eifel and has a stunning view from above - small towns surrounded by loads of forests and intact nature. Beside this there are not too many positive points to make. Let's start with the landing area. The landing area is apart from the packing area/hangar. But there is a little shuttle is driving between those places. So you can't watch people landing from the hangar, which I personally enjoy a lot on other dropzones. There is a restaurant nearby, which fulfills your needs of fries and softdrinks and for a small fee you can use the restroom. The dropzone owner (also the pilot) has a couple of diffrent aircrafts which will be used according to the number of guests present. I use the word guest, because this dropzone serves mostly tandems. I did my AFF here and around 80 jumps and can't recommend going here at all. At the time I did not know any better. In Germany you can ask at every dropzone if somebody has a story about the owner/pilot of this dropzone. And you will come up with a book of horrible stories.