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    Cypres 2

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    Croatian national ae
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    Formation Skydiving

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  1. I have been jumping for a long time, though not much and not often. I had learned to listen to the voice in my head... When I gently pull down and hold the front riser for the final turn, there is usually a voice in my head saying: "Just a little bit more..!" I had learned that that is, actually, just the perfect time to let go of the riser. Regards, Huha (>o
  2. I plan to die at 70+ out of sheer boredom and will do my best to stick to that plan. But we all know what plans are, right? Life has thought me that there is only Here-and-Now. Yesterday..? Gone down the river of Time. Tommorrow? It may come. It usually does. Or it may not. There definitely is one day for everybody that will have no tommorrow. Here-and-Now is all there is, and all that matters. I wrote my will, I defined what is to be done with my... things after I won't be needing them any more (I basically have no relatives, but the State is getting $hit ). A few people know about it, but most don't. No need for that. I yet have to define a way to get rid of my body (cremation + scaterring of ashes, most likely) and how to organize a small party (food both veg and non-veg - to each his own) after that. No tears, no drama. We got to know each other, spent some time togedher. Laugh. Dance. Sing. Because, after all, I didn't die - I just went Home . Regards, Huha (>o
  3. Thank You - made my day, made my evening. Made me smile. Wish all the luck and happiness (spelnig?) to the three of you... Regards, Huha (>o
  4. I've been in the same situation as NWFlyer 2-3-4 times... Everything way OK until I opened - then nausea kicked in big time. I was able to land the Springo 140 I was jumping at the time, but I do not think I would have been able to stay concious for more than 30 secs longer - I'd just fade out. Of course, went to see the doctor the next day, but all the results were OK - apparently I was (and still am) healthy as an ox (if that's the correct phrase). So I did some surfing, and found a thread here, that was describing exactly the same thing that happened to me... In my case, the combination of following factors caused the situation: tight harness/legstraps, kneebrace I wear, crouched/tight body position for a period of time (C-185, and I'm 6 ft tall), spiralling under the canopy. I also do not like having a big breakfast before jumping - that might have "helped" too (although, I never jump on empty stomach either). After reading the abovementioned thread, I've started to do the following: a) move my legs on the ride up as much as possible (which is not much in a C-185, but even a little helps maintaining the blood flow) b) avoid - if anyway possible - sitting behind the pilot: that's the place with the least amount of legspace available; c) I move my legs in bicycling (spelling?) motion when under canopy; d) go easy on the spiralling thing ; e) if I jump without my RW suit, I fasten the kneebrace straps just before the exit; f) drink a lot of water all day long. And yes, I felt like a newborn when I got a rig that fits me well... The old rig was too small, and has had the buckles on the rear side of the legstraps... Hope this helps... Regards, Huha (>o
  5. Thank You very much... I'm still years away from taking an AFF instructor course, but all the available info is much appreciated. Regards, Huha (>o
  6. The video is über-great... Can somebody tell me please what's the name of the song in the first part of the clip..? I really like it. Regards, Huha (>o
  7. 25 crack whores. bsbd! Yuri. I agree 100000000% ... Regards, Huha (>o
  8. Thanx for answering - I'll contact them via e-mail... Regards, Huha (>o
  9. If this is what you're talking of, than it's: "Marina's Droplet - there's nothing better for parachutists/skydivers; 10 years of continuous resarch, to the idea becoming reality. From RW and FF suits to the latest models of wingsuits. We will help you in choosing any design/model to be used with your favourite rig, counting in all your wishes." Than it's the phone # and mail address, and the order form... Regards, Huha (>o
  10. What would be the price for re-lining a Stiletto 150? I live in Croatia and often travel to Slovakia by car... Regards, Huha (>o
  11. There were actually several most stupid things I've done ... Here is one of them: we were doing some 18-ways, I was all high on adrenaline - it was my biggest formation so far (still is, actually)... So, we brake off, I turn 180 and start tracking, look down and - don't see the DZ. I wave off, pull, and after checking the canopy and traffic, decide that going for the DZ is iffy, and choose a nice piece of grass between some houses instead. So far - so good. I'm setting for a conservative, wide left 90 deg front riser turn (not hooking it in, just a gentle turn, right?), and at that point I notice a car going my way, on the road below... At that point, "Stupid mode" kicks in big time, and instead of starting my turn then, I continue flying straight for a second or two more, hoping to scare the people in the car... Then, I say "OK - NOW!", and instead of pulling the riser slowly, I pull it... well, not so slowly... I see the ground coming my way at an angle I know is wrong: the last thing that went through my mind before groung hit me, and my heels kicked the back of my helmet, was a totally cool and calm "So, this is it then, eh?" Between the first and the second bounce, in an upside-down position, I feel a pain in my back... I get up and - cursing and spitting seeds out of my mouth that came in through the mouth hole on my helmet - realize that I can move and nothing's broken. The back hurts, sure does, but I can bend over - not all the way down, but hey, why would I need that? I pick up my stuff, and hurry back to the DZ - I can't miss the next load, can I? Did two or three more that day, and five the next day... The back was painful for a loooong time, and still is ocasionally. Of course I didn't see a doctor until my back locked up, and I couln't move (I'm the type of guy that doesn't go to see a doctor unless I have a 42 C fever and such). It turned out that I have damaged one disc in my lower back... I should work out constantly to keep the back muscles tight, here and there I go to a massage, and there's a weird feeling in my back when I arch... Do I even have to say that you should never do something like that..? Regards, Huha (>o
  12. Thnx. I would have asked some of the pilots over the weekend, but you beat me to it. Regards, Huha (>o
  13. Lucko DZ & general/sport aviation airport near Zagreb, Croatia 1) Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees: dunno - will ask some of the pilots 2) ICAO code: LDZL 3) Lucko 4) Croatia 5) Lucko A photo is here: Regards, Huha (>o
  14. I've had my ACL replaced a few years back. My gut tells me I got the best surgeon available for the job, and a really great phisical therapist. After the therapy program ended, I continued the rehab in the gym. I was told I'd have to go to the gym kinda for the rest of my live to keep the leg muscles tight, so I go about 4-5 times per week. It took me about 8 months to start jumping again, but I was beeing extra cautious... I wear a brace while jumping, and I'm extra careful on landings: if there's even a small amount of croswind, I do a PLF. I've stopped playing basketball and skiing, but this choice was mine, not directed by the doctors. I have no problems while hiking (no brace)... To sum it up: I'm happy and satisfied how it all turned out. I work out regularly, I'm careful on landings, and that's 'bout it. Regards, Huha (>o