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    BASE Jumping
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  1. just watched it and man intense isnt the word to describe this. As close as you guys are flying to the clifss is unreal. Before my accident in 2005 i had numerous wing suit jumps and 7 base jumps and we were planing on going there to wing suit but the accident took that away. All I can say is be careful and boy what a rush you gave me watchin you thanks for sharing the exp with the world
  2. Well with all the poverty in the tribe going on i'm sure if they can get that out far enough and open it to yr round base jumps alot of ppl would pay so much to use the structure especially if you could do a 3500' free fall who wouldnt want to pay per jump for that hell if it costs 20$ per skydive on average i know plenty of base jumpers who'd gladly pay for that, just my 2 cents
  3. Hey Jimmy I cant jump any more due to smashning my pevis and sacrum but when I was watchin you guys go thru the span struts It made my hear skip a beat waht a rush. The bungee base was awesome keep up the good work brother and flick one for those of us to criple to doit any more. God bless stya safe Dave phillips
  4. Congrats Jeb I'm disabled and wont be able to do any more base jumps . I did 7 prior to my swooping mishap and even opened a free standing 430' the night befors my accident. My ? is since the charges were dismissed then discovery should give back your job in my experience since what the judge is saying is you didnt commit the crime then you shouldn't be continued with the punishment of loosing that sweet job you had.Hell I think NYC should be liable in getting you fired for over reacting and making this a media specticle. Sounds like the same kinda of prosecutorial errors like mike nifong in the duke case. You rock dude so please flick one for me. May god always fill your cells brother stay safe respectfully yours dave phillips
  5. why not get a big student rig you can rent at most drop zones and just free pack your bj if need be any experienced base jumpers in your area can help to show u how to free pack it this is what i did when i got a new chute
  6. glad you will heal. Hind sight is always good if one can learn from it. I was always told no wing suits off this bridge due to lack of altitude i heard this from ppl i respect who heard it from yuri and his experience with wing suits and how long it actually takes to gain flight. I watched the video and I'm just damn glad you lived and maybe you can jump again you said it your self best time to review your actions
  7. phil6086

    Best RIG??

    Add HUCK IT made by tree jumps is one of the best double pin rigs around just my 2 cents
  8. Man what a rush although i no longer jump my heart races like im there when i watch thaks for the rush.
  9. just my 2 cents i only had 7 base jumps before i stupidly swooped my pelvis into the ground. Im now a cripple for life if i was ever to jump again give me base it was always better than skydiving any day and its all i would do if i could still jump. Now that wasnt the ? was it when i got a used fox 285 from the factory i jumped it alot one day just to get canopy skills and look i never got hurt bas jumping so is skydiving your canopy good experience yes and heres something else you can think about the nite before my fatefull accident on my 7th base jump i opened a 430' free stander and my mentor said that was the ballsest thing he had ever seen with someone with my limited base experience but hey i didnt know what i was doing and i didnt get hurt i though i new how to swoop and im a criple now so do the math lol your friend and admirer dave and by the way i miss you tree i know you see this i hope you and the family is fine we miss you here on the east coast
  10. phil6086


    I dont have many base jumps but i think the best proved rigs are velcro and then double pin rigs. a rig should expel the shoot in a heads up deployment or heads down deployment. hopefully your belly to earth which is proper deployment every time. Just a thought a closing loop with the pin works for skydiving rigs and base rigs just fine i hope no one in trying to improve on a perfect system that the i described above doesnt die trying to get something unique jsut my expeience when people are unique they get hurt and die.Just a thought
  11. well here goes i only did 7 base jumps last year but on my last sky dive 08/01/06 impacted ground while swooping and broke pelvis in half broke sacrum with a 5" break and 8" break, also broke both feet , and punctured fphemeral artery at which point i bled from the artery for 2hrs before bleeding was stoped. imagine that all cause of hooking it to low one note night before me and my mentor opened up a 437' free stander i was off first held for 2 sec using a 48" pc hand held was very nice although i didnt care for my lines being out of the metal loops. was really wierd trying to flare lol dont miss skydiving but do miss base probably always willQuote
  12. Does anyone have any info on the Es in Ny state please PM me
  13. Planning trip to Norway to jump big walls need any info on where to stay what currency rates are when best time of year to jump need any help to plan this all beta appreciated
  14. I don't have an opinion either way but my question is why craig kuske isn't on the list he was a base jumper who died skydiving last year at xkeys. They say he deployed his reserve at 50 feet
  15. thanx for the reply don sounds like your truly nuts don't think I'll be jumping with you though. PS your right about the S Howd you know?