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Everything posted by jt40ronin

  1. Ok has anybody else seen this subway commercial with the guy sitting on his jeep. "There I was 90 seconds into a 12,000 foot night jump. Its go time! I pull the ripcord nothin. I pull the reserve nothin, then I thought what would Jarod do?" I think you would have hit the ground about 20 seconds ago !! Any other bad commercials out there? Who writes this stuff?? DaM Whuffos!!
  2. anybody got any info on PD's new eliptical canopy the Katana?? Am looking for an eliptical and not sure what to get. Any info would be nice Blue Skys Jason
  3. Anybody know of any boogies happening this Dec besides Eloy?? I am looking to travel and do some packing while there. Any help is appreciated. ONLY 1 MORE DAY TILL BYRON BOOGIE WOO HOO!!! Blue Skys Jason
  4. I have the option of getting a cobalt 120, or a stilleto 135. I have heard from some people that the cobalt will fly and flare larger than its size. I am currently flying a sabre 150. I have spoken to several people on my dz, most say I would not have a problem flying either canopy. Of course there are some people who think I am pushing limits too much and I respect those opinions. In other peoples humble opinions, how does the cobalt 120 fly incomparison to a stilleto 135? Any and all comments/feedback is appreciated. Blue Skys jason
  5. Alright lets start this from the beginning. About a week and a half ago I dislocated my shoulder on a violent opening (have a history with this shoulder by the way). So I go to the emergency room to get it fixed. Now the problem begins. First I try to explain to them what happened and what is wrong, but they pretty much ignored me and insist on an x-ray before they will work on me (I mean come on this is the 4th dislocation on this shoulder). Then the procedure they use to fix my shoulder includes lots of drugs, multiple ivs, and lots of oxygen. After its put back into place they take more x-rays. Including a forearm x-ray?? which I never complained about and cannot object too because I am unconscious. Ok now I know all of this sounds pretty standard but, the last time I injured this shoulder which wasnt all that long ago the situation was handled very differently. First I did not get nor want an x-ray before they fixed it. They gave me very little drugs, just some morphine and a local in fact I was awake the whole time, no oxygen and only 2 x-rays when I was done. Now My question, is every hospitals procedures different, or is there some sort of standard to this. Do I have a case to make in not payin some or all of the bill because of the way it was handled (bill totals over $3,000). I mean if one hospital was able to do it quickly and without all the extra crap how come I had to go through that long drawn out affair. If there are any lawyers out there I could really use some help, or help from anybody else. Blue Skys Jason
  6. The Shoulder is back in place, Tim is gonna help me make a custom brace like his. I am pretty much grounding myself for the rest of the month to rest. Gave the main to Clay for a slider mod. As for your pack job, I'll repack pack it this weekend after you pay me for the pack jobs you owe me for LOL. See ya this weekend. Blue Skys Jason p.s. I need a link to your site. I might buy a couple of the photos
  7. All least you cant blame your packer for that one right JP???
  8. anybody know where i can download the clip of the birdman flyin low over the mountain??? Blue Skys Jason
  9. While packing this past weekend, I sat down to get some info on canopy coaching. The guy I was talking to was packing a VX 97 into a Javelin Oddessy. When he was putting the bag into the container I noticed he did not rotate it? I asked him about this and his was response was that he had never rotated his bag. I was curious if this was something common or uncommon. It makes more sense to me to not rotate the bag, but I cant do that in my current rig. Are there specific containers where you do not rotate the bag, and does it only work on certain canopies?? Blue Skys Jason
  10. In response to Mr hixxx and Andy, the owner of the rig has been jumpin for many years and has several thousands of jumps. But like he said to me after it happens "Nobodys perfect and shit happens". Umm as I recall it was quite windy that day, and he always stows his brakes immediatly after landing. So it could have happened in the landing area, while fighting to get control of the canopy. No big deal either way, he was due for a repack, and he took full responsibility for not noticing it when he walked up his lines.
  11. umm not quite sure how he did not notice it. All the lines were together when I got to it so I would not have noticed anyway. It was the last pack job after the sunset load, so maybe fatigue and talking had something to do with it. But like I said before I still feel partially responsible. Cuz I did do part of the pack job, and it mal'd
  12. try www.madstyle.net . Really upclose of a stilleto collapsing pretty low. The reserve was open at 900 ft.
  13. Ok if anybody can figure out how this could happen, I would appreciate it. I was asked to finish this pack job after it was on the ground ready to be put into the bag. Its a velocity 89 (I think, insanely small either way). The owner jumped it, it opened on heading, and he looked up and saw this and very calmly thought "this isnt right" and proceeded to have a nice reserve ride. Anyway I feel partially responsible because we have not been able to figure it out. General consensus is that it is a partial step through that was missed. Any thoughts
  14. Deuce (aka JP) kicks much ass. He alone keeps my rent paid, gas in my car (over an hour to the DZ for me) and food in my belly. And for all of that I am glad to pack his rigs under any conditions. Now if he would just stop hurting himself on landin j/k JP. Packers definitly appreciate tips, but we all know that they are not required. Personally a general guideline I think people using packers should follow are, anything above 190, any new zp canopy, or anybody that needs a pack job in 10 minutes or under should be paid a little extra, or at least thanked and bought a tasty beverage at the end of the day.
  15. Someone I really trust (stinky jim) had showed a lot of faith in me when I packed his stilletto for the first time. He told me as long as the brakes are stowed, the slider is quartered, pilot chute is cocked and the lines are even/straight, and I dont give him a hard pull, everything else is body position . Now I dont know about the body position part but everything else made perfect sense. Ever sense I have felt a lot more comfortable packing eliptical canopies. So start with friends and work on from there, if you do a good job word of mouth goes a long way. Before you know it you will be turnin away people cuz you are too busy.
  16. I would love to help, but all the kick ass ladies I know are already training for that event . So hopefully Byron Love will be well represented.
  17. Ok so after class today I decided to go to the movies. One of the previews was for the new Tomb Raider movie. Anyway at one point you see Lata Croft and guy escaping the bad guys by RUNNING (imortant later on) and jumping off of a building. Ok no big deal there, but then you see them extand their arms and spread their legs to inflate full bird man suits. I have seen only a couple of bird man suits, but I from what I have seen I came away with the impression that the leg wing wasnt exactly large enough to run in. Is there a birdman suit with leg wings large enough to run in? Just curious. Also does anybody know who did the stunt?
  18. Maybe its my like of time in the sport (less than a year) but I generally thought everybody jumped a reserve that was aprox. the same size as there main? I personally jump a sabre 150 with a PDR 143. But what is kind of startling to me is, it seems a lot of people have never jumped a reserve. At my DZ (Byron Love), at least once a year the owner of the Pro Shop (shameless plug to Gravity Gear) gets several PD reserves of various sizes and people hook them up as mains and jump them. I did this before I had the 143 (still the smallest canopy I have jumped). It definitly helped my confidence in knowing how the canopy flys as well as the flare characteristics. Is this an uncommon occurance to hook up a reserve as a main? If so I hope other DZ's start doin this, cause it definitly helps to know that you can fly your reserve.
  19. imho a dytter is always a good idea, just never get too dependent on it. As for night jumps (which i am preparing for myself) there are a couple of things you can do. You could use a digitude, which is a digital altimeter with a light. You can tape a glow stick to your wrist. Also I think alitmaster is developing or has a glow in the dark back panel.
  20. Members of a free fly team from that competition (I think it was that year) jump my local dz, I'll ask tomorrow. Or you can email him directly at http://www.madstyle.net/
  21. Hey people, I was wondering. How loose or tight does everybody wear there chest strap? Any input is appreciated. Blue Skys Jason
  22. I saw that landin JP, me thinks ya need to ride the 143 more often . j/k blue skys jason p.s. miss ya all at Byron, wish i was there
  23. Well, welcome to the bay area. I actually live near belmont as do a few other jumpers i know. As you can tell the weather currently sucks. There are a few drop zones in the area. My home drop zone is Bay Area Skydiving in Byron. They fly a C-182 during the week and a king air on the weekends. There is the Parachute center in Lodi, the have a King Air, Beech 90 (I think), and a Twin otter. There is a drop zone in Davis, but i dont have any information it. Also there is a drop zone in Hollister. As for water training, good luck, most of the water training around here is done during the summer. Night jumps, I hear Hollister will do it whenever they have enough people to put the plane up. Other drop zones do set up certain nights for night jumps weather permitting. Anyway hopefully the weather will clear up and we can jump. Hopefully I'll see ya out there. Blue Skies Jason