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    Skydive New England
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  1. Bought a brand new reserve second hand, there was no packing data card included. Is this a common practice with manufacturers and what is the remedy?
  2. As far as i know, it is mostly common for drop zone to have money on your account, maybe even jump tickets, be transferrable from person to person. I would assume there would be a local at the drop zone in question that you transfer to and have them give you the cash so you aren't screwed if you can't get a refund
  3. You should also consider taking a trip to the wind tunnel. The tunnel benefitted me greatly as a student. I had a lazy right leg that would put me into a slight spin, worked on some leg awareness while at the tunnel and I've never had the issue since. When you meet your instructor, let them know about the issues you had and tell them know you would like to do practice pulls and basic belly skills to keep you stable
  4. Reading this makes me wonder if there will ever be the possibility to launch a wing suit from the ground. Being a low number jumper with very little knowledge of wingsuiting in general, i would love to hear what it would take to do so. Awesome read!!!