Is it still fun when it's hard work?
Replacing a repeater antenna on a tower on a mountaintop. The guy lower down is me. Probably 40-45' off the ground, the other guy is 20' or so above me.
Problem was that I had worked an 11 hour night before heading out to meet these guys, it's a long drive to the mountain and back(3500 feet elevation looking out over the valley to the south), then spending 5-6 hours up on the tower, so I left the house for work at around 5pm Friday and got home around 9pm Saturday And then slept for 18 hours.
But we have a shiny new antenna on the tower now! Too bad I don't get paid for this kind of work. Your shadow is a confirmation that light has traveled nearly 93 million miles unobstructed, only to be deprived of reaching the ground in the final few feet thanks to you.