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  1. Who pushed and pushed for the vaccines when people were laughing and saying it would take years.?? On Yeah Donald. Who got the USA energy independent Oh yeah Donald Who got your economy booming before covit OH yeah Donald Who built your military again Oh yeah Donald Who had a solution to your border situation yes it was Donald. Who called out China on so many issues Yes you got it Donald !!! Has a lot of admirers here in Aus (and detractors of course)
  2. I am from Australia How are our USA friends (and I mean it I love Americans) going with Biden over there! Gas prices way up, Afghanistan debacle, borders absolute mess.... apart form that he has done a good job (Not)
  3. I am from Australia. given the gun ownership in the USA will never change.....(NRA won that one years ago) the only thing has to be much more security at high schools. meaning armed trained folk that can take out offenders. NO one ever goes to a school here with an AR 15. However due to your political situation the banning of guns is lost. At least pay the money for extra security. Surcharge on every firearm to cover cost Do something !!!!!! I know you have a population of 300 million so chances of being shot are slim. but still unacceptable.
  4. I am from Australia so do not understand the full gun thing in USA. So folk can put their guns in checked baggage and travel interstate with them. I would have thought your licence would only cover the state you live in... surely illegal to carry to another state. For fucks sake how can someone with obvious mental issues have a licence for a gun. !!!! Congress can not even stop sales of guns at gun shows without background checks. (yes we get fox news too) By the way i carry a gun at work (Security govt buildings but cannot take it home) I understand how folk feel safer with a gun but look at the stats 11800 gun murders in usa (not including other methods knife ect) Australia has 265 murders per year (thats everything not guns) so if we had the same population as USA X 10 would be 2650 Stats speak for themselves don't they. Too easy to kill with guns. Am I missing something here ps I love the USA and travel their as often as i can !!!!!!