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Everything posted by sonnyblu

  1. It looks like his new job is off to a rocky start:
  2. The aforementioned chemical weapons facilities were part of their declared program. All that and then some. . .
  3. He claimed that "We've eliminated Syria's declared chemical weapons PROGRAM." Part of that PROGRAM includes chemical weapons facilities that were supposed to be destroyed as part of the deal, but they didn't get rid of all those facilities, did they? From the December 2016 Security Council Report: So here we have chemical weapons facilities that still weren't destroyed after 3 years. 39 monthly UN inspection reports continuously noting unresolved gaps, inconsistencies and discrepancies of Syria's declaration. Chemical attacks were still taking place as late as November and December 2016 while the Security Council was imploring the international community to work together against the use of chemical weapons to stop these horrific attacks. . . . . .and then there's Obama - talking about how successful his diplomatic efforts were with these people.
  4. Things are moving in the right direction. However, there are still ~45% who have yet to get there. Jerry Baumchen Correct, approximately half of the adults in this country voted for either Hillary or Trump. I know, let's have a violent protest about Trump's taxes. That'll fix everything!
  5. Uhm, no I didn't. This was my post: Car or automobile isn't even close to being mentioned. IOW you could not be more wrong. Who wrote: "But even in the car industry you see this dumbbell effect. With luxury and cheap doing well and the middle struggling" It must be the good shit. . .
  6. Here, fixed it for you: Congrats Zach - thanks for sharing. Best wishes for you and your future. Happy Easter, and God Bless!
  7. Maybe, but your argument shows you didn't listen to the statement properly in the first place. Or just didn't understand it. There is a big difference between saying "declared chemical weapons arsenal" and "declared chemical weapons program" It'd be like saying Obama eliminated NASA's space program just because he ended the STS. But that's the fun thing about using weasel words. Obama can say whatever he wants to give one impression, and then when called out on his bullshit, people like you can try to weasel him out of it. If he was honest, he would've said that "diplomacy went a long way in eliminating over 1300 metric tons of chemical weapons, but it wasn't enough - and Syria is still in violation of UN resolution 2118. I implore the next administration to follow through with my threats and not make the same mistakes that I have."
  8. More than 10% of my posts involve conversations with you alone. Of those conversations, you made the initial engagement more than 76% of the time. It hasn't all been in vain tho. For example, my experience with a recent hospital stay, along with you and your wife's comments about the medical industry have me somewhat convinced that inpatient treatment might have more to do with CYA rather than medical reasoning.
  9. Like we said in the other thread, you're gonna have to learn how to engage in actual conversation.
  10. Obama wasn't under contract when he gave the speech that I alluded to in post #188 and then substantiated in post #190. Yoink, meet the Obama administration: "We got '100 percent' of chemical weapons out of Syria" You can chalk that up as incompetence if you want, but I for one happen to think a bit more highly of Obama. And maybe even John Kerry. . .nah, scratch that. I agree, his statement was nonsense - but that's a fair question. . . His statement came just several months ago after Trump's election during a speech about how we should move forward with regard to counter-terrorism. He was trying emphasize the importance of diplomacy by boasting about his success in eliminating Syria's chemical weapons program, which IMO was a pretty dumb example. He was trying to play off our naivety, or wishful thinking that diplomacy with these people actually works, when in reality it doesn't, at least not in the long haul. I really wanted to believe that diplomacy and education would ultimately get us out of this mess within 50 years or so, but like I said earlier, it's time to cut our losses. These dickheads are just stalling and trying to buy as much time as they can. But we need to act now, while WE still can. Our power is not going to last forever. We're almost 20 trillion in debt - and when it comes time to face the consequences of that, I for one want to have something to show for it. Namely, a world where we don't have to share our misery with these fucking assholes making it worse.
  11. The fact that Obama had to use weasel words like "declared" suggests that he knew Syria still had (undeclared) chemical weapons, which would be a violation of the UN resolution - showing once again how Obama did nothing and failed to make good on his threats.
  12. He did lie. Obviously they didn't get rid of their chemical weapons program. He was just trying to take credit for it as if they did.
  13. No, simply a statement of FACT. Meaningless weasel words used to boast about what should be considered his biggest diplomatic failure - not success.
  14. Perhaps Obama should've done the same. Clearly, congress cannot be trusted. He did. Congress refused. Right. Congress clearly cannot be trusted, which is why I said what I said. In the end, Obama showed us how diplomacy doesn't work with these people - and then lied about Syria giving up their chemical weapons. . Can you provide a link to this lie of Obama's? I am aware of one Kerry "gaffe" on the issue, but the rest of the Obama administration's statements were more circumspect. Yes, here's the link from December 6, 2016: I started it at about the 30 minute mark. He makes the statement at around 30:20. "We've eliminated Syria's declared chemical weapons program. All of these steps have helped keep us safe, and helped keep our troops safe. Those are the result of diplomacy. . ."
  15. What situation? The situation of this one crime? It's been addressed by local law enforcement, like any other individual crime. Ok, now comes the why? Why did this happen? Because they are people. So are the whopping 783 members of the alt-right Trump "brigade" that liked the Boycott Chobani Facebook page.
  16. Careful, your bias is showing... No it's not. We're actually talking about refugees. If these people need mental help after witnessing the horrors of the middle-eastern lifestyle, then that need should be identified and treated upon entering this country. Unless of course you rather just ban them altogether and not have to deal with it. You've taken a single incident, and decided this is an indication that an entire world region's default culture is mentally scarring? No, actually I didn't, but these people are obviously running away from something. I just want to know if what those kids saw back in their homelands had something to do with this attack against the 5-year old? If so, how can we help/protect against other refugees that may feel the same way? We can't do that if people are always preoccupied with "left vs. right" political bullshit. If this is just your typical case of gang rape, then I guess we'll just continue to feel helpless and ignore it as usual - "oh, that's terrible, but hey, shit happens"
  17. The reason for the proposed ban against a select few countries isn't because of widespread molestation attacks. . .
  18. Perhaps Obama should've done the same. Clearly, congress cannot be trusted. He did. Congress refused. Right. Congress clearly cannot be trusted, which is why I said what I said. In the end, Obama showed us how diplomacy doesn't work with these people - and then lied about Syria giving up their chemical weapons. I was a believer. I honestly felt that perhaps diplomacy and education would get us out of this mess within a generation or two. But maybe now it's time to cut our losses, even if it means risking our own lives/lifestyle. . .
  19. Careful, your bias is showing... No it's not. We're actually talking about refugees. If these people need mental help after witnessing the horrors of the middle-eastern lifestyle, then that need should be identified and treated upon entering this country. Unless of course you rather just ban them altogether and not have to deal with it.
  20. What situation? The situation of this one crime? It's been addressed by local law enforcement, like any other individual crime. Ok, now comes the why? Why did this happen? Right, just like all the criminals that came from Europe back in the day. Fortunately tho for today, we have more advanced screening capabilities, and Xanax. What a dumb example.
  21. I'm not calling for a banning. But at least the Catholic Church has received plenty of negative press for their actions that hopefully improved the situation. I never said anything about shutting down institutions. I want want to understand why. Great, but how can we prevent it? If there are cultural/parental issue that need be addressed through the use of mental health for refugees, then that would be a good starting point. These families have gone through a lot - they might need a lot more than cash and a job at some yogurt factory.
  22. Ya, I know. This is all just a fucking game to you. If you have something with some substance to add, I'm willing to listen.