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Everything posted by sonnyblu

  1. ?? Officials at Guantanamo had nothing to do with the reasons the inmates were there. Right, I meant to correct that.
  2. Killing OJ would still get you sent to jail. That's not what I asked, but whatever. Morality is rather subjective, so it doesn't really matter. I was just interested in hearing some opinions. He wasn't.
  3. That is a naive view of politics and what government is all about. It's more a view of Trump's relationship with the media and how the public gets caught up in speculation and petty arguments. For the most part, social media is just a form of entertainment. People don't really care about the issues they're arguing about as much as the argument itself.
  4. There have been plenty of people falsely imprisoned for 5,10, 20+ years, some even on death row. When they are finally released, I'm sure they're are relieved and cherish time with their family. They may be angry at the system and even file lawsuits like normal people. What they typically don't do is start committing the crimes of which they were initially accused. They don't start killing people and blowing themselves up. Tho I can't necessarily agree with how things may have been handled at Gitmo, This recent suicide bombing more accurately suggests that perhaps officials there were on to something. Maybe they knew something that we didn't, something they couldn't prove. I know we can't just take the government at their word when it comes to the guilt of another human - the system just doesn't work like that, nor should it. But as an aside, if you knew somebody was 100% guilty of murder, but got away with it for whatever reason - is it morally wrong to seek justice outside of the law?
  5. I don't know if it's as important as it is easy. oh, and entertaining. I'm not so sure about the GOP as a whole, but Trump might have a vested interest in it. The other day conservative TV host Greg Gutfeld said that as anti-religious as he is, the prayer didn't bother him - it pissed off the left, and that's always a good thing. It all goes back to what I said earlier about people having nothing better to do than get on each others nerves. They might as well make some money while they're at it. This is the biggest 24 hour reality TV show spanning across multiple networks simultaneously. There's a lot of money to be made in multi-media regardless of your flavor of politics. In the end however, it's all just a distraction.
  6. Nah, recidivism rates in America are pretty high even without torture. Besides, this guy attacked the Rafidhi army in Tal Kisum - not George Bush.
  7. It's apparent that Trump supporters don't care about what he says, nor what he does. It doesn't matter whether he's religious or not, otherwise they wouldn't have dumped Cruz. I have never been to Church and heard such an uproar of cheers after reciting the Lord's prayer as I did for Melania. The "Blacks for Trump" signs in the background were a nice touch as well. If this was anything other than a sincere prayer, then it wasn't to pander to the right as much as it was to piss off the left. The only incredulous thing here is that the gullible left and their MSM minions fall for the distraction every time - Shiny object syndrome. . .
  8. Is it possible Trump could lead the USA into such a crisis. Therefore becoming the Great Uniter? I suppose it's up to us. We can either remain divided and distracted, or we can get organized and finally put an end to this ongoing charade. It's probably in our best interest to have the foresight to do it voluntarily, I just question our self discipline. I think there are plenty of left/right leaning moderates that have concerns, but they just loathe how the left and right have dealt with it. All the hypocrisy and speculation make it difficult to discuss - it's quite a turn-off.
  9. While I can appreciate that, there are still plenty of immigrants in this country that can't even speak English despite having lived here 10-20+ years. There is a certain amount of discipline needed to think fluently in another language so as to speak it with any amount of confidence, YMMV. I doubt she was under as much scrutiny as you were at Cambridge. When you have bedroom eyes and body language like hers, being fluent isn't all that necessary. Nevertheless, she may now want to pollish up a bit more if she is to effectively relate to women and children, especially while much of the liberal world desperately awaits for her to flub a line. Gowlerk is right, this is all just a distraction. The left needs to get organized and ease up on all the speculation if they're serious about the threat that Trump poses to the World. However I get the sense that life is good right now and people have nothing better to do than get on each others nerves. It's unlikely that this country will unite under prosperous circumstances. It will probably take a disaster for us to come together, as it often does.
  10. So it is being reported that she had to READ the prayer from a script. I'm an atheist and I can recite it from memory. She'd probably also have to read it if she said it in French, Italian or any other non-native language that she may speak. Do you think you'd be able to cite it perfectly in another language without writing it down? Can you even speak any other language? I'm surprised nobody criticized her for plagiarizing it yet. I guess that's an improvement.
  11. Not quite. According to SPLC figures, the total number of hate groups only increase by 25 in 2016, 13 of which were black separatist groups, while groups like the KKK dropped by 60 that same year. The largest increase in recent years was 108 in 2014-2015, 67 of which were black separatist groups. To be fair, there was also an increase of 118 KKK groups, but if the the total number of all hate groups only increased by 108, it would suggest a decline in other white nationalist groups. Right, but if the total number of hate groups only increased by 25 for that year, and black separatist groups continue to rise, it would suggest a decrease in other white nationalist groups. As I already pointed out, the KKK decreased by 60 groups that same year. They most likely just moved on to anti-muslim groups like ACT for America and soldiers of Odin. Same douche bags, different name. So this "increase" probably isn't as alarming as some hope it to be.
  12. It's interesting how many people in this thread ignored this point and turned it into a political issue. It's not a political issue as much as it is capitalistic. Of course a youngster is going to be confused about nutrition these days, are you kidding me? It's a typical case of "paralysis of analysis." The fact is that there are just too many facts that come in the form of pros and cons that make it almost impossible to weigh. All companies have to do is focus on their own pros, while amplifying the cons of their competitors - and this goes back n' forth ad nauseam. People lack attention to detail so they just absorb whatever confirms their own bias, and ignore the "alternative facts" (pros vs. cons) - much like politics.