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  • First Choice Discipline
    BASE Jumping
  • Second Choice Discipline

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  1. DoubleShot

    why Zeemax?

    Until I figure something else out, here's the short version of how this name came up. I was to jump off a 500 foot Antenna like structure with 2 others. For reasons that are no longer important, I became angry and impatient. As they sat below I geared up and went to the top. The conditions were good so I decided to jump. Now to back up a little, My usual routine was to gear check my self and make sure the pilot chute is easily reachable, practice the launch and then repeat this until I was good and ready. What I did: I was geared up so I just tightened the leg an chest straps, reached back and sure enough, the Pilot chute was there. I climbed to the edge and jumped. 3 seconds later I reached back and quickly snatched the pilot chute and I threw nothing but air. My hand slipped off! Now it had become serious, I reached back again GRABBED it and Threw it as hard as I could. Every thing worked out. That was a turning point in many parts of my life, and especially the way I approcah BASE. After talking about this to a friend. He later tossed me a doubleshot and said, "this is what I'm calling you from now on. I'm glad you get a second chance" :)
  2. DoubleShot

    McConkey ??

    It wasn't THAT off heading When are you heading this way again? Perhaps it's my turn to McConkey something.
  3. 103 20 different objects 1 b (opened it) 1 a 4 s 7 e 7 others (opened 1)
  4. DoubleShot

    Naming Names

    OK Philip Kronsky Junior, my lips are sealed. Tom, I'm sure you can figure out who this is, If at some point in the future my name is used, please remove it. Thanks
  5. This is the message I get when I click on the link. Can you copy and paste the actual link from inside the Email message, instead of the redirected link? Thanks ------------------------------ Your email message has been idle and this link has become inactive. To access the link, close this window and return to your MSN Hotmail Message. Then click the browser's Refresh button or close your message and reopen it.