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Everything posted by rocketdog

  1. here's my inexperienced guess: fly your body, not the suit
  2. THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!!! i was trying to avoid paying for a coach, and as of now, there are limited opportunities for coaching. i will try to keep this plethora of info. in my brain on my next attempt @ head-down ....NOW IF ONLY WE HAD THE WEATHER TO JUMP! later taters! see the world!
  3. for some of the college students in our area, the DZO has worked out a packing deal: You would have to learn how to pack first & eventually by packing student rigs your jump cost is covered... ..... TRY IT! see the world!
  4. I AGREE! -- they both seem impossible :) *ok seriously* i feel proficient on sitting/standing/etc. which is why head-down is so appealing now... MY PROBLEM IS: other than having video, how do you know if you're truly vertical? do you just know all the sudden or is it more like flying diagonally and gradually working your way to being vertical? and yes, my container is freefly-friendly (thanks for the concern though).... how did you learn to get into head-down? from exit? backflipping into it? ??????????????? thanks for all the help
  5. I WOULD HOPE PORTRAYED ME: agree, Angelina Jolie WHO WOULD PROBABLY PORTRAY ME: Winnie Cooper from the Wonder Years see the world!
  6. NO -- HOWEVER STUDENTS SHOULD NOT SAY THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IN SCHOOL!!!!! Schools must constitutionally separate between "church and state".... by acknowledging God they are proving themselves unbiased and highlighting a certain relgion *bad* see the world!
  7. Tae Kwon Do Tennis basically..... staying healthy HAHA see the world!
  8. Someone who ordered pizza without pizza sauce?!?!?!?! see the world!
  9. if those are REALLY his abs.... i'd say he liked working out.... or just being a total hippie ~hollywood see the world!
  10. hey -- i've been trying now to fly head-down & HOLY MOLEY it's a lost cause. *EDIT: i have absolutely $0 to afford a legit coach... can any of you elaborate (if you remember) how you learned specifically? i.e., "i cartwheeled into it" -or- "it started out as a track :)" *HeLp* ~hollywood see the world!
  11. Skydiving IS safe! However, there is a lot more *risk* involved. Risk does not equal danger. Do you consider skiing a "dangerous" sport as well..... ? Given statistics, more people die in car accidents yearly than skydiving. True, more people drive HOWEVER (i'm going off memory here) there were roughly +/- 35 fatalities last year -- possibly 2002. i think that says a lot given the # of skydivers and skydives made in the U.S. ~hollywood see the world!
  12. HANDS DOWN Lara Croft (Angelina Jolie) in Tomb Raider ......she is HOTT with 2 T's see the world!
  13. YUMMMMMM!!! i'm chillin with my lover: Jack Daniels ~hollywood see the world!
  14. you all might understand this: i work @ the DZ and you should hear the customers we deal with (being in the middle of a cornfield in Indiana!) some of the best i've heard: "hi, i wanna go SKYJUMPIN" -- spoken like a true redneck! "so where is the cameraman during my jump?" -- well if you pay for the video, i would hope he'd exit the plane with you "so is it safe?" -- like i would say NO ITS DANGEROUS AS HELL?! "and all i could smell was shit" -- a student telling me why his jump was horrible... because all he could smell during freefall was the cow manure ....we asked him to take up bowling instead! see the world!
  15. ROCK ON! if Tandems/AFFs/whatever make you happy, i say screw everyone else... it's your life, your hobby, you have EARNED and deserve your ratings. CoNgRaTs!! ~hollywood see the world!
  16. i just think it's interesting because from a technical perspective, you're DAMNED IF YOU DO, DAMNED IF YOU DON'T: (yes i'm being pessimistic) on the 1 hand -- abide by FAA/USPA/DZ policies. not to mention, i've known riggers who have gone to REPACK a reserve & noticed that had it have been used, it may not have functioned properly due to the previous person's error. *scary* on the other hand -- if you truly trust your rigger (or if you are a rigger) then "pencil-packing" seems fine. i mean if you packed if correctly 4 months ago, whats another month IF ITS PACKED RIGHT .....just my 2 cents. it all depends i think see the world!
  17. QUESTION ABOUT SATAN: shame on me because i have not read this section of the Bible..... my question may be answered already.... ANYWAY the random shot towards the very end of the movie where the devil's hair flies off: is she/it (the devil) laughing in triumph or upset @ defeat -- my friend & i are having a debate.... THOUGHTS ANYONE?!?!? ~hollywood see the world!
  18. ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY -- they'll still enjoy the ride! HaVe FuN!!! ~hollywood see the world!
  19. all the Richmond girls see the world!
  20. DON'T YOU HATE THAT? i had that damn Outkast song stuck in my head for a good month..... you know "shake it, shake it like a Polaroid picture" see the world!
  21. hey -- i TOTALLY agree with you about feeling blessed. seeing that movie made me SO proud of my tattoo (a cross). what did you think about all the blood, etc.? i could barely stomach it. i think had the movie not been so bloody i would've bawled A LOT more, but @ the same time i was glad that Mel Gibson DID add all the gore into it..... made it seem much more accurate & realistic! see the world!
  22. HEY! as a poor college student too, i feel your pain -- can't wait for my tax return! = ) Something to think about: you might want to wait on the Freefly pants/RW suit until you start jumping with other people simply because of fallrate issues. For instance, if you decide to compete on a 4-way team -- depending on your teammates' fallrates -- you may need more OR less drag. Same goes for the Freefly pants. It's just a huge pain to buy a new suit only to have to get it altered..... Anyway, hope to see you @ a Boogie or in Richmond! ~hollywood see the world!
  23. #1 ..... going on a 4way freefly. The jump wasn't anything EXTRAORDINARY it was the people who came with...... my 3 close skydiving friends: Kelly (skygod777), Big Perm (freeflyswc) and Greg. i got to be base & it was sweet just to spend the whole dive with 3 awesome freeflyers ....... aww
  24. TO EVERYONE WHO'S GONNA BE PARTYING TONIGHT: have a #1) Long "Ireland" Ice Tea #2) Green Beer and #3) some Bailey's FOR ME! ~hollywood see the world!
  25. 1) To go along with what _________ said *sorry i can't remember who said it*, you just have to have faith. For me, realizing I was a Christian was an ongoing, gradual process. Mainly, I continually look(ed) at the experiences (good & bad) in my life, and drew my own conclusions from that..... BASICALLY.... there were/are some things that I STILL can't explain to this day....... ......does that make any sense?! see the world!