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  1. Sorry you are right. I forgot the non-famous names that beat you at WWL I guess rex Pemberton was the one I was thinking of. You are maybe in your own world about what brands is popular in the world ;-) The only world you and me is both living in is where regular flyers wearing squirrel suits seem to always beat professional flyers wearing PF suits ;-) Jarno we meet several times you can be a nice guy when you are not on internet but your constant insults to non PFbrands on facebook and forums gets so old and so sad. I came here to tell my good friend Chris something but i stay to tell you this. I hope you realize it one day. Best greetings and good luck, I don't try to change your mind about anything orange I just try to show you how tired and stupid this war is.
  2. Since we have information available to us you cannot pretend that its just opinion … so you desperately say that PF is equal . I am curious where is the evidence? Your kings : Jarno Sam Nate Dougs all are in redbullaces. Sam and Nate did no qualify. Dougs was dead last. Jarno barely made top half. And everyone else flys Squirrel. Jarno, best wingsuit pilot in the known universe got beat by Marshall Miller in WWL and 3 other Squirrels, who win top 4. How is this possible if Jarnos suit is better than marshalls suit ??? So you have really nothing to support what you are saying. Only your angry opinon. And the only people who have this opinion so strong is you and robert pecnik. and jarno. We understand that you love PF, good for you. We get that Squirrels made you mad somehow ok! no problem. But stop whinging here about it. Everyone is tired of it.
  3. Yes you right it takes time ... It takes sometimes 5 months no news from one companie. or it takes sometimes 5 weeks with a system we can see the order progress and we always get an answer fast by email. Bluhdow don't talk about dogma you work for a company that now feels the pressure to and you posts are obvious and your motivaton its clear. your post has no reason xcept a very not so clever insult
  4. Sorry guys for Swiss Post just to be sure there is clear talk in this reply : Liebe C.Z. (Virgin-Burner) Im Name vom allne Schwizer möcht i dir gärn säge, dass di Uftritt im Netz weder dir no süsch öpperem hilft. Du machsch di eifach nur lächerlich. I finde bim beschte Wille keini fründleche Wort für dir das Ganze ds erkläre und äs wird dir sicher nid gfalle. So wie du dini Marke allne andere vorziesch und glichzitig immer uf ne bestimmti Marke pissisch, bezwäcksch nur dass alli Marke schlächt usgseh. Du bisch absolut nutzlos für dini Marke FLY und die andere wo du hassisch, wärde zum Opfer vomene hässige, unfaire und parteiische Mensch, wo nach am Wahnsinn isch. Im Klartext: du gsesch us wie öpper, wo psychisch labil isch und wenn me nüt vo dire Erchrankig weiss denn het me ds Gfüehl, du sigsch eifach e grundböse Mensch. I ha ghört, wie d’Lüt über di rede und das si nid schöni Sache aber leider beurteile si di uf Grund vo dine Ussage im Internet. Isches das was du wotsch? Dir sälber i ds Bei schiesse? Genau das passiert wenn du so witer machsch. Du bringsch di i Gfahr falls du dene Lüt sötsch begägne wo du so dermasse schigganiersch und kritisiersch. Und äs isch nid unwarschinlech, dass das gli chönnt si. I wett denn lieber nid i dire Hut stecke. I möcht dir a ds Härz lege: dänk über das alles nache und dänk a d‘Schwizerfahne näbe dim Name. Du bisch ä Schand für alli und das akzeptiere mier so nid. Merci.