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Everything posted by BirdWoman

  1. I have around 150 flights; 60 on my S3, 50-60 on a GTi and the rest on a Classic II. I had the most problem when I was borrowing a friend's Vector and Spectre120 with line twist. All but 20 of my flights have been under my Jedei 120 (wing loading of 1.2 under a fully eliptical) with a javelin dynamic corners, no extended bridle and no large pilotchute; number of line twist due to packing=0. My secret is simple: close the container with the grommet straight up, leave around 12" between last stow and risers, and sink out the deployments 2-4 seconds with everything collapsed before pitching. As a BMI, I have found that since I have started to teach students to sink out their deployments, their rate of line twist occurance on their first flight is less than 10%. Stacey Rocky Mountain BirdMan School BM-I "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  2. No jello shots, eh? Must have been all in my mind. After all, I had spent quite a bit of time in the air that day...damn hypoxia. "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  3. Aww, come on Bill. Are you saying that us chicks have more musical tallent than they guys? Maybe it's all the jello shots we do beforehand.. "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  4. I just put the word out here in CO... Stacey "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  5. Mmmm, LP. Oh how I can't wait until the end of July. Just a reminder to all who will be there this year...I will be the BirdMan representative again this year with a line of demo suits/tracking pantz and will be available for First Flight Courses, coaching and organizing some kick-ass flocks. So, if you want to fly at LP let me know. See ya all there! (Oh, and guys...the cocks definately do NOT rock the house...) Stacey Rocky Mountain BirdMan School BirdMan Instructor "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  6. Thanks Ed! It looks like it will be a great summer. When will we get to fly together? "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  7. Thanks Steve. (Are you on skydive-announce?) "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  8. Nope, no more excuses for you! I'd be more than happy to help you get in the air... "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  9. Everything is set and ready to go for the Rocky Mountain BirdMan School to be at Denver Skydivers on Sat/Sun, March 13/14. Yes, that is Safety Day weekend. Here is what I have lined up for those interested: **Discounted jumps for wingsuit flyers, all weekend long **full line of demo wingsuits **full line of demo tracking pantz **First Flight Course (to be held Sat. morning) **1-on-1 coaching **flocks **BirdMan shirts will be for sale, limited supply Specifics for the first flight course and coaching are as follows. Please contact me for prices as they may be greatly reduced. You may not get another chance like this to learn to fly and get some coaching. **First Flight Course: This will include your first flight course, briefing, jump including video, and the debrief. (note: you need a minimum of 200 jumps to learn how to fly) **One-on-One coaching: This will include a briefing, video of the jump and a debrief. You will refine basic flying skills if you're a new flyer, or learn more technical skills if you're a novice. Take advantage of this great offer and come join the flock! For more info, please feel free to contact me. Hope to see you there! Happy Flocking! Stacey Carl BirdMan Instructor Rocky Mountain BirdMan School "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  10. Everything is set and ready to go for the Rocky Mountain BirdMan School to be at Denver Skydivers on Sat/Sun, March 13/14. Yes, that is Safety Day weekend. Here is what I have lined up for those interested: **$15 jumps for wingsuit flyers, all weekend long **full line of demo wingsuits ($10 rental fee per flight) **full line of demo tracking pantz (no fee to demo) **First Flight Course (to be held Sat. morning) **1-on-1 coaching **flocks **BirdMan shirts will be for sale, limited supply The prices for the first flight course and coaching are, as I like to call, an early season special. You may not get another chance like this to learn to fly and get some coaching. **First Flight Course: cost is only YOUR slot plus $10 for the suit rental. This will include your first flight course, briefing, jump including video, and the debrief. (note: you need a minimum of 200 jumps to learn how to fly) **One-on-One coaching: cost is YOUR slot plus $15. This will include a briefing, video of the jump and a debrief. You will refine basic flying skills if you're a new flyer, or learn more technical skills if you're a novice. Take advantage of this great offer and come join the flock! For more info, please feel free to contact me via email or PM. Hope to see you there! Happy Flocking! Stacey Carl BirdMan Instructor Rocky Mountain BirdMan School "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  11. (logo attached) I am very pleased to officially announce the establishment and opening of the Rocky Mountain BirdMan School, located right here in Colorado. The school will be primarily based out of Mile-Hi Skydiving Center in Longmont. I am very excited to be able to provide current and future wingsuit pilots with the ability to learn to fly, and then develop basic flight skills into more advanced techniques. The schedule below outlines the weekends that I will have demo suits available as well as my services for instruction, coaching, etc. (The dates are tentative and may change) Here are some of my visions and goals: -First Flight Courses (for those wanting to learn to fly) -One-on-One coaching to refine basic flight skills and develop more advanced flying techniques -Small and Big Flocks (both "free style" and formation specific) -Small technical flocks -Competitions?? -Other suggestions? Again, I am very excited and anticipate a great summer. If you want to learn to fly or do some coaching jumps, before the beginning of summer that can be arranged with a couple of weeks notice (so I can get a demo suit here). Please contact me via PM or email if you have any questions or suggestions. Happy Flocking- Stacey Carl BirdMan Instructor Rocky Mountain BirdMan School SCHEDULE (tentative) Sat & Sun, March 13 & 14 (@ Denver Skydivers) Sat & Sun, May 1 & 2 (location TBA) Sat & Sun, May 15 & 16 (@ Skydive The Rockies) Fri-Mon, May 28-31 (@Mile-Hi) Fri-Sun, June 4-6 (@ Mile-Hi) Sat & Sun, June 19 & 20 (location TBA) Fri-Sun, July 2-4 (@Mile-Hi) July 22-Aug 2 (Lost Prairie Boogie, Montana) Sat & Sun, Aug 14 & 15 (@ Skydive The Rockies) Sat & Sun, Aug 28 & 29 (location TBA) September dates and more boogies soon to be announced! "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  12. (logo attached) I am very pleased to officially announce the establishment and opening of the Rocky Mountain BirdMan School, located right here in Colorado. The school will be primarily based out of Mile-Hi Skydiving Center in Longmont. I am very excited to be able to provide current and future wingsuit pilots with the ability to learn to fly, and then develop basic flight skills into more advanced techniques. The schedule below outlines the weekends that I will have demo suits available as well as my services for instruction, coaching, etc. (The dates are tentative and may change) Here are some of my visions and goals: -First Flight Courses (for those wanting to learn to fly) -One-on-One coaching to refine basic flight skills and develop more advanced flying techniques -Small and Big Flocks (both "free style" and formation specific) -Small technical flocks -Competitions?? -Other suggestions? Again, I am very excited and anticipate a great summer. If you want to learn to fly or do some coaching jumps, before the beginning of summer that can be arranged with a couple of weeks notice (so I can get a demo suit here). Please contact me via PM or email if you have any questions or suggestions. Happy Flocking- Stacey Carl BirdMan Instructor Rocky Mountain BirdMan School SCHEDULE Sat & Sun, March 13 & 14 (@ Denver Skydivers) Sat & Sun, May 1 & 2 (location TBA) Sat & Sun, May 15 & 16 (@ Skydive The Rockies) Fri-Mon, May 28-31 (@Mile-Hi) Fri-Sun, June 4-6 (@ Mile-Hi) Sat & Sun, June 19 & 20 (location TBA) Fri-Sun, July 2-4 (@Mile-Hi) July 22-Aug 2 (Lost Prairie Boogie, Montana) Sat & Sun, Aug 14 & 15 (@ Skydive The Rockies) Sat & Sun, Aug 28 & 29 (location TBA) September dates and more boogies soon to be announced! "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  13. Now that's what I call trippy... "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  14. Damn, you got off easy. When I was flying from Denver to Tuscon for the Holiday Boogie in Eloy, TSA gave me more hassle about the damn knife than they did the cypres. They gave me the choice of throwing it away or mailing it to myself, so I looked at the knife and asked "Do you have a phillips screw driver? Why can't we remove the blade, you keep the blade and I keep the knife?" So they did, and I did, and it cost me a whopping 27cents for a new blade at Eloy. "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  15. As a packer who teaches a ton of newbies to pack, I don't think there really is a way to make it attention-keeping. You have to keep in mind that there is a slight variation to how people pack as far as tying the risers together, lines over one shoulder or another, techniques to flaking/bagging, stowes, etc. Just some things to keep in mind.. "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  16. It's people like you that us packers absolutely love! Everybody I pack for when I do free-lance lays out the canopy, stow the breaks and uncollapse the slider. Some of them will even run up the lines and cock the PC for me. Most of them tip at the end of the day and always check to see if there's anything I need as far as food or water. It's amazing how jumpers treat packers when they realize that if they take care of their packer, their packer will take care of them... "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  17. All of the info is great, but I'm still curious as to whether the majority of dropzone operations packers (i.e. tandem packers) HAVE to pay taxes on a 1099 regardless on if they take out a paycheck or not. If this is the case then figure taxes will be around 20%, which makes the profit on student rigs only $4 and only $8 on tandems...give or take a little depending on the individual state tax. "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  18. I dunno what the hell is going on. That's what some of us are trying to figure out...why is it that packing rates have been the same since, well, ever?? "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  19. United States... "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  20. Damn straight I want the humping puppy over the puzzle. BTW, how is that little puppy doing? "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  21. I've been a packer for 3 years now and have met a lot of other packers in my small traveling adventures (boogies and whatnot). I'm taking a poll to see what the going rate is for pack-jobs throughout the country. What do you and/or your dropzone charge for: tandem pack jobs? student/rental pack jobs? sport rig pack jobs? Another question is this: if you pack for dropzone operations (i.e. tandems), do you have to do a 1099 for taxes as an independent contractor, or are you considered an employee and the dropzone witholds taxes/social security? If you free-lance, do you have to pay the dropzone a concession fee? Thanks for the info! "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  22. I've been a packer for 3 years now and have met a lot of other packers in my small traveling adventures (boogies and whatnot). I'm taking a poll to see what the going rate is for pack-jobs throughout the country. What do you and/or your dropzone charge for: tandem pack jobs? student/rental pack jobs? sport rig pack jobs? Another question is this: if you pack for dropzone operations (i.e. tandems), do you have to do a 1099 for taxes as an independent contractor, or are you considered an employee and the dropzone witholds taxes/social security? If you free-lance, do you have to pay the dropzone a concession fee? Thanks for the info! "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  23. For those of you who were at LP this year and didn't order a video...SHAME ON YOU! I'm here to tell you that it is awesome and it is definately worth the buy. Not to mention that it has some great footage of the snowmobile getting ridden out of the skyvan...this is one of the most well-produced boogie videos I have seen in a long time.
  24. I've read that book myself and I was also intrigued by some of the stuff in it. As far as the irony, here is something to dwell on that with: back then they used wings to aid with stability when they didn't really know what stability was; now, we are worried about instability when we do how to fly stable... "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  25. That's not a fair question to ask. If he really deserved an ass-kicking, I'd be more than happy to give it to him. Although, I've found that the more ass-kickings I give to guys, the more they like it... "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me