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Everything posted by BirdWoman

  1. I got a call from a customer saying that his tandem video is not playing properly on his HD DVD player. The video was edited with a digital linear board and a sony PC9 (not a HD camera). I don't have any experience with HD players and have not had this situation before. Can anybody elaborate if the HD player might be causing a problem? IF this is the case then basically screwed as he doesn't have another player...unless there is some way to convert it? DSE, please chime in. "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  2. BirdWoman


    This won't help you much as Best Buy stopped carrying Creative Labs produducs, but I have the Zen Vision:M. It's a 30gig and it is awesome. Everybody I know that has an iPod eventually ends up hating it for one reason or another. The Zune, to my knowledge, is that it's a relatively new producuct and still has flaws. I have had several Creative Labs products and have zero complaints. Hope this helps somewhat. "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  3. I wonder how long it will take before a wingsuit flyer emails them to let them know that it IS possible to have a conversation in freefall...if you're both wearing a WS! "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  4. BirdWoman


    My husband and I received a letter a few weeks ago from a company called Picture Reference saying that they were in possession of videotape and pictures of us in a 'motor vehicle incident'. The letter said that if we would like to obtain a copy of this material to send $137 to them. We were in Maui on the date that this so called incident occured and don't have any kids who would have taken the car for a joy ride. Nor did we reveive anything from the police about this 'incident'. What do you think? We think it's a scam. "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  5. Ok, so I was stupid and dropped my digital rebel XT a while ago and broke the flash. Does anybody here have any idea how to replace it or how much it would cost? I'm figuring it will not be cheap to have a camera shop do it, but I also don't know how to do it myself or where to get a new bulb. Any suggestions? And no, I don't have the money for an external flash unit or I would have done it by now "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  6. Damn. All I can say is thanks for looking out for my friend when she first got there, and for being one of her only true friends before she moved on. You meant a lot to her and I don't know if she ever told you, so I'll tell you now. You meant more to people than they may have let on. Fly Free brah! "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  7. I usually don't charge the instructor for a copy of a good jump or a copy of the stills. I just rack it up in my "karma" bin knowing that someday the favor will be returned. If they offer a couple bucks for the materials I accept. I found that they usually want a copy of the unusual jumps (like their first paraplegic student), family members, etc. We're friends and I know it won't fall into the wrong hands, and they won't do anything with it without my permission. "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  8. I hate it when young teens come trick or treating and they don't even have a costume on! And then, when you ask them what they're supposed to be, they just giggle! "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  9. Does anybody know if any USB cable will work for the PC9? Of course sony's website says that you need a "sony camcorder specific cable" don't I don't buy it. I know that stores such as Best Buy and RadioShack have high speed USB-4pin (or 6, whichever it is)...will a universal one work just as well? "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  10. BirdWoman


    Both my husband and I use it during cold season and it seems to work pretty well. Even though it's meant to be taken at the first signs of a cold, I think it helps decrease not only the intensity but also the duration. It has lots of good stuff in it anyway (vitamin c, zinc, ecinacea). I think the lemon-lime flavor is the best. "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  11. Due to the number of increased new birds who might be looking for a way to buid their wings, here is a wingsuit workout that has proven successful to many of us older birds. --- I have a lot of experience in weight training from my athletic background and also my college degree in Sport and Exercise Science. What the others have said is pretty close to what you want to do, but I'll give you all the advice I can. First off, it can be more difficult for females to fly the suits, especially the S/S3, Ghost, Vampire, etc.. The larger surface area, combined with generally weaker upper bodies, can make for some difficult flights. It is important to work on the entire upper body with emphasis on the specific muscles, so keep that in mind. Another thing to keep in mind is that you want to do static training because of the mechanism of movement (i.e. holding one position for a period of time). Here is what I would work on and how: 1-the specific muscles that the suit requires are the deltoids, mainly the middle and anterior portions. A)To work the middle delt: do lateral raises with a weight, where you start with the weight at your side and gradually raise it straight out to the side up to shoulder level. Don't raise the weight above shoulder height. Start by holding it there for 10 seconds, then gradually increase the time as you can. When you can hold the weight for 20 seconds for three sets, you can up the weight. DO NOT start with a weight that is too much; doing so can cause undue stress on the muscles that make the rotator cuff and thus lead to shoulder problems! B)To work the anterior delt: Do the same lift as above but move the weight slightly to the front (only about 30-45degrees). ***You can also work your middle/ant. delts by doing the seated shoulder press, either with a machine or free weights. If done with free weights, sit upright and start with the weights at shoulder height, elbows flexed and in at the side. Slowly raise the weights over your head and bring them together. The long count is raising, the short is lowering. 2-You need to work the upper tricep as well, and this will also work the inferior head of the anterior delt. To do this, perform a front raise, where you raise a weight from the side of your body to straight out in front of you. Hold it there in the same manner as above for the delts. 3-To work your posterior tricep, you can do either tricep extensions or tricep kickbacks. The extensions can be done either on a machine or with free weights where you start with the weight behind your head so that your elbow is flexed, then raise the weight above your head slowly as to fully extend your arm. If you do the kickbacks, kneel on a bench with one knee and have the same arm for support on the bench (i.e. right hand and knee on the bench). Hold your left arm into your side while holding the weight up close to your shoulder so that the elbow is flexed. While "squeezing" your left tricep, extend your elbow so that the weight and your lower arm end up by your butt. The long count should be while extending, the short count while flexing. 4-You can't forget about your trapezius. You can do seated rows (with a machine) or with free weights. If using free weights, you can do lateral raises. Using the same stance with a bench as you did for tricep kickbacks, let the weight hang in your hand straight at the ground, elbow extended. When you raise the weight, you are going to flex at the elbow as you perform shoulder adduction (squeeze your shoulder blade toward your spine). Try to keep the elbow in toward the side of your body. The fast count is raising, the slow count is lowering. 5-Dont' forget your pecs. Even though these muscles play a small role in flying as the majority is in your shoulders, they are still important. Push-ups, horizontal bench press or the military press will all work. If you do push-ups, you will also work your deltoids and laterals a little as well. However, don't let push-ups replace the specific exericises I have mentioned. I hope this helps! If you need clarification on anything, or want more lifting workouts, please feel free to contact me. I feel like I have a lot to offer in this area and would love to help when I can! Flock Hard- Stacey BMi-US007 "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  12. As a chick BirdMan instructor I can tell you this: you won't have a problem flying. Yes, it might be a little strenuous on your arms WHEN and IF you get to a more advanced suit, or if you start having helaciously long flights in a small suit. I remember out flocking an average sized guy flying a skyflyer when I was in my GTi. Like somebody already mentioned on here, more than likely you will be floaty of flocks; with time you will adjust and (mentioned again) make your own style of flying. I went through all of my posts and found the wingsuit workout from a while ago. I will start another thread for this (again). Stacey BMI-US007 "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  13. You said the canon 10-22 doesn't exist? If this is true, then why did I find it directly on the CanonUSA website??? It DOES exist but it IS NOT considered as a fisheye lens; it is a wide angle lens. I don't know about the Sigma though. "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  14. Thanks for all the info. I think I've made up my mind based on what everybody said in that other thread. You rock... "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  15. I'm thinking about getting a wide angle or fisheye lens for my degital rebel xt. I primarily shoot tandem vids and the stock lens I'm using (EFS 18-35, set all the way down to 18) just isn't wide enough for those super close shots. I was looking at the 10-22 but don't know if I'd just be better off getting a fisheye. Any suggestions? "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  16. I'm assuming that you are talking about Spaceland's caravan...Houston only has an otter "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  17. I'll trade you my first-born for those seats...even though I don't live in CA! "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  18. Hmmm, that is soundling familiar I went ahead and found a new camera on Ebay so at least I will have a spare if I can get this one to work. Thanks for the advice; I will get some air tomorrow and see what happens. "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  19. My vid camera took a crap yesterday It's an older sony PC-100. In the past it would occasionally flash the "error code" (or whatever the hell it is) that looks like the eject symbol while beeping. While it is doing that, the camera is rendered useless--no recording, no playback, nothing. Anyway, I tried resetting it (a lot), tried removing the battery, tried a new tape, and got no result. It finally started acting ok so I jumped it (tandem video) and it cut out at deployment. Has anybody else had this problem? I know that one of our other vidiots had the same error thing one day but we were both moisture-locked from extreme humidity. What does that code mean and how do you fix it? I ended up buying a PC9 on ebay last night but would like to get this fixed so I can havce a spare camera. Any suggestions? "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  20. Hey all- I'm trying to help a friend with a video conversion problem he's having. He's trying to convert his tandem video so he can put it up on some website and he's having difficulty doing it. I do all my editing linearly with a digital audio/video board going into my DVD burner. This is what he said: "the format is VOB...i have never encountered that type of format before. And, actually, no other program I have or converter recognizes that format. I wanted to put the video up on my facebook account to show everyone how cool sky diving was but...firstly its too big and i was trying to lower the quality but id need a converter, and the converter would have to recognize the file format, which it does not. Is there some converter or....quality reducer or ... " I don't have any experience with my videos other than making them and have no idea what to tell him. Does anybody here know something that he can try? Any help or ideas is great. Thanks! Stacey "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  21. I sorry Shell! I know Teko's a good kitty...maybe he just found a new friend to play with. Maybe one of your neighbors is out of town for a few days and he's in their garage, wondering how he's going to get out of this one. Keep me posted... Love ya! "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  22. I have attached a pic that I took from my slot on Joel's last jump. The energy felt by all on the plane was explosive, as it was when he was finally released to freedom. Fly free Joel. "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  23. We will see what we can do. We (I especially) would love to see you out of the school for a day and playing with us. As for helping out with the's an honor to be able to help you guys out. Hopefully I didn't give you too many headaches between the girlie ways and my horrid opening on Saturday. Hope for a stronger neck next year "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  24. CALLING ALL THE GIRLIES: If you were on our girlie ways and would like a copy of the pics that Joe (sorry...Chunks ) took, send me a PM with your address. He got me the cd on Sunday but most everybody had left already. There is no charge for the pics, either. It was indeed fun jumping with you all, and I consider our second jump as an "unofficial" record. I guess next year we'll just have to kick some ass and get it done! --Feisty "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me
  25. They should take your tickets from last year. I did this a couple years ago and I had to pay the difference in cost (I think it was $1.00 per ticket); I gave them the difference and the ticket and they gave me a new tix for that year. "I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me