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Everything posted by elatom

  1. Thanks to everyone for their replies. Next thing to think about is how to pay for it all if I do really get into it.. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow, Steve -- It's supposed to be warm and hopefully will be a great day. See ya, Anthony
  2. Hi all, this is my first post ever, so hopefully it works okay. I did a tandem jump last December and am planning to start the AFF course on Saturday. The tandem jump went fine, but since then I have been reading a bit too much about skydiving accidents and so forth, and I'm beginning to wonder why, exactly, I am inclined to do this. I'm not so much concerned about bad things happening on the first jump. I figure with two jumpmasters right next to me, there are probably few opportunities for things to go wrong. But reading about uncontrollable spins and twisted lines, I do wonder about having a sense of control up there. Does it become second nature, or is there always the possibility of making some little error that will have bad consequences? What is controllable and what is not, and is it normal to start having second thoughts before starting? And, if so, do those second thoughts disappear? Thanks -- AL