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  1. In the below video the jumpers are landing with huge inflatables that look like the ones that will upright people. How often do people drown using the method in the video? How often do people get tangled in gear?
  2. Many people on this forum said that first time skydiving in water is dangerous, but look at the below video. They are using static line non-steerable T-11 from a helicopter over a lake while wearing inflatables. As soon as they land they are greeted by a boat. The statistics show many people get leg injuries from first time jumps or slam into wall and trees. It seems that the way they are jumping in the below video those injuries will not happen. It also seems like a good method for tourists that only want to jump once.
  3. On a tandem lesson I almost passed out. I was OK until the canopy opened, then I started to go downhill. As we descended I grew increasingly more nauseous. I tried to steer, but I was too weak. Much of the rest of the way down my eyes were closed. I felt extremely horrible. I could not stand up after landing. The jump was at 11,000 feet, I did not eat for 4 hours except for a breakfast bar 20 minutes before, I drunk 1/2 bottle of water before going, it was in the 70s in temperature. The plane was the size of an Otter but was not an otter. The time before this I went up as a passenger. After the last person jumped at 18,000 feet. the pilot did a loop and we went upside down and other acrobatics. The same nausea as the jump, my health was very much the same. It started as soon as the acrobatics started. I was told at the dropzone it was adrenaline, but I was not nervous at all as a passenger at 18,000 feet and I had no health problems until the cord was pulled during the tandem lesson. A pilot I know said it was the blood going to my legs when the cord was pulled, less oxygen at altitude, and then not being able to sit down which caused the blood to leave my brain. Years ago I was the carnival ride that spins the chair on the chain. I got very nauseas with that also. I do not know if it was the motion or the blood being pushed to my legs. In general I have standing for long periods of time, but I got no problem walking for a few hours and running a mile. I never got car, boat, or airplane sick. I would not have landed properly without the instructor even if I knew what I was doing. I was that far gone. With the extra stress of having to steer I might of blacked out. I had several recent visits to the cardiologist office before the tandem jump and I got great blood pressure, did a stress test, and was told I am good to go for skydiving. There is a possibility of some minor plaque in by arteries so I will go for further testing. If the pilot I know is correct and the problem was the pull making the blood leave my head combined with the low oxygen, should I travel to a dropzone that does static line for my first non-tandem? In a static line jump I would have less altitude oxygen deprivation, In a static line jump is there less pull when the canopy opens? That might mean less blood going down to my legs Any advice, please?
  4. How important is it to use a certified Master Rigger for a packed rig? What prompted this post is the school shown below uses non master riggers. Complete total failure to open seems serious, that is what happened there today. Today a rig completely failed to open at the school: This is the Master Rigger certification I am talking about:
  5. I know there are lots of threads on insurance already, but when I search they are almost all old and about life insurance. Skydiving life insurance is easy to find. I am talking about insurance for injuries or disability. I found travel insurance that will cover for injuries that is reasonable, but it has to be away from home. As far as employer insurance such as BC/BS, don't count on it unless you actually read the actual policy as opposed to the 40 page summaries that the employers give you. Same with employer provided life insurance, that 15 page "Certificate of Insurance" is probably not the actual policy with all the exceptions. I also noticed that instructors tell me none of them have workman's comp. The schools never (in my limited experience) mention insurance, even though a very limited policy is available with USPA. If an American living near a border skydives and gets injured in Canada, Bahamas, or Mexico, what if he goes to the hospital and just does not pay? Can the credit rating agencies find out? Can the hospitals sue in the US? Can a resident (with or without work visa) in Canada or tourist tap into the national health system? If someone lives in Detroit it might be advantageous to jump in Windsor, Canada. So, does anybody out there know of any non-travel injury/disability insurance?
  6. What are your opinions of the virtual reality skydiving trainers? The manufacturer said students can practice all malfunctions. Where are they available to use? Video
  7. What is your opinion of students making their first jump over water, since it is a softer landing. Students have 6 time the rate of injuries than the licensed. This is if they can pay the extra cost.
  8. Not true. See this video about Florida. Most states do not even have a law like Florida does, At least Florida has a something even though it is unenforceable, that Federal supremacy, you know.
  9. The reason for requiring businesses to accept service dogs was to help blind people, etc. It degenerated to the point to where people are bringing claiming their dogs are "service dogs" because it helps with sleep apnea and they need the dog to help them "stay alert" in restaurants. These people are scamming us. These lowlife scammers are using a low to help blind people to get their dogs on planes where they bark and bother children with allergies. Phony service dogs also leave feces on restaurant carpet while people are trying to eat in peace. The woman is right about saying the dog does not belong in a place where food is being served. The owner is not blind. He claims it helps with PTSD, which is of course impossible to measure. So much money is paid out in PTSD claims that medical care for paralyzed soldiers is lessened. See below how people having allergies will not keep a phony service dog out of a restaurant. This is one of the reasons hotels have no-pet rules. How does a small restaurant keep the phony service animal separate? To claim advantage for the blind, deaf, crippled, etc. without merit is evil. See this video about service dog scams.
  10. Can an instructor help a student if the jump is much higher than a typical static jump? For example, if something goes wrong at an 8,000 foot static line jump where the parachute does not open, can the instructor help? Would an automatic activation device be more useful at 8000 feet, or even a 6000 foot static line jump? What is the highest a static line beginner jump can be? Can a static line jump be tandem?
  11. How do all these companies that say they are offering the "world highest" (18,000) so-called highest tandem jump get away with false advertising? A quick websearch shows places that offer 6000 meter (19,685 feet) tandem jumps. Are these places be trustworthy?
  12. I notice a lot of places offer "The world's highest tandem jump." Some are even so brazen to say the 18,000 foot jump is only available at their business, Beginners should avoid these places, right?
  13. You are thinking of the WW II demonstration team. They do not have any platforms, even though they claim students learn like they did in WW II. Is jumping off a chair onto a mat really enough practice to prevent landing injuries? It seems every school is like that.
  14. Which is safer for a beginner, the static line or AFF jump? Can an instructor jump with a student to help in a static line jump?
  15. What are your opinions of the Static Line Automatic Activation Device (SLAAD)? Being that there is not much time to pull the reserve cord on a static line jump, would an Automatic Activation Device be very helpful?