I just learned of this news... I have to say that I did not have the chance to know Roger for a long time, but in the time I did know him he has shown me a few things that I will never forget.
The first was a true understanding of the sport, "people do not come to SDC for the skydiving, the thrill only lasts a few seconds, people come to skydive at SDC for the family, for the feeling of being with people you can trust and love, for the companionship.
The 2nd thing that Roger has shown me was to always "spread the love" by that I mean, to live your life without regret or fear, to take each and every opportunity you have to smile and use it wisely. I believe that roger knew something most don't, He understood the true reason we are all here, that is to share the love in your heart with others in your life.
I wish Missy and Rook all the support in the world. We all now have an angel above to watch over us for eternity. -Stevie
"I don't fear the man who wants 10 nuclear weapons, I'm terrified of the man who only wants one..."