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    Skydive Monroe
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  1. I was a set electrician on HE and it was truly an experience watching Close and Adam's performances. They played very well to the characters in my opinion. Another cool thing was that Gabe, the guy who plays JD, told me he used to jump some years ago and we used to talk about it all the time on set. It was very cool to be a part of that one.
  2. Congrats on beginning your AFF. It's the first step to a whole new world. I finished mine up a month or so ago and am 12 jumps away from my B now. Here's my experience. I still get anxious on the plane going up to altitude. Having a bit of fear is healthy and learning to control it has helped me grow a bit. Visualizing my jump on the plane, from exit to landing, helps m control that. I get some funny looks sometimes but I'll go through all the motions of what my plan is, as well as doing a few handle checks on the way. Brian Germain has written some good stuff on preparing yourself and your headspace for what you're about to do. For some reason, when that red light comes on and the door opens, I feel a sense of relief mixed in with "It's Go Time!" Enjoy this new step. Get to know the people at your DZ. Everyone at my home DZ brought me in and have helped me grow in this sport as well as everyone at the other DZs I've visited. This has just been my experience. Good luck, have fun, and blue skies.
  3. I finished up my A license a few weeks ago so all of that AFF/STP is still in my head. Like another poster I have a bit of a fear of heights, but with my job I kinda just suck it up and go. I also get a little tweaky on planes. Doesnt matter if it's a jumbo jet or Cessna 182, I just get a little shaky. But even from my first tandem, I found that as soon as I'm out the door I'm calm and focused on the moment at hand and what I need to do. I've found that pushing myself and my personal limits stretches those limits out and I get more comfortable with what I'm doing. Now I'm a lot more nervous going up in an 80' or 120' condor boom lift than jumping out of a plane and being able to conquer that fear has given me the confidence to continue doing something that I have come to love. Don't be afraid to push yourself and your comfort levels. That's how you grow. On a personal and possibly spiritual level. Good luck.
  4. There's a couple of interviews on the Skydive Radio and Radio Skydive UK Podcasts that are really cool and very informative. He's a great wealth of knowledge.
  5. That's pretty sweet. I'd buy one also if you decode to sell any.
  6. Congrats! I just finished my STP (AFF at Spaceland Atlanta) a couple of weeks ago and I remember those feelings oh so well. I still feel them and when something clicks while I'm jumping it gives me that giddy giggle in my soul. Keep it up!
  7. Hello all. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the info and stories that have been posted. As a Newb, I found myself reading the stories and reviews etc trying to soak up as much as I could. I just got my A license here at Spaceland Atlanta and have learned so much from my instructors and coaches. This community is great and I've been welcomed more so than any other facet of my life. It's awesome to start to take the foundation I learned from my instructors and build on that with more experiences and more lessons. Cheers and Blue Skies.