Congrats on beginning your AFF. It's the first step to a whole new world. I finished mine up a month or so ago and am 12 jumps away from my B now. Here's my experience. I still get anxious on the plane going up to altitude. Having a bit of fear is healthy and learning to control it has helped me grow a bit. Visualizing my jump on the plane, from exit to landing, helps m control that. I get some funny looks sometimes but I'll go through all the motions of what my plan is, as well as doing a few handle checks on the way. Brian Germain has written some good stuff on preparing yourself and your headspace for what you're about to do. For some reason, when that red light comes on and the door opens, I feel a sense of relief mixed in with "It's Go Time!" Enjoy this new step. Get to know the people at your DZ. Everyone at my home DZ brought me in and have helped me grow in this sport as well as everyone at the other DZs I've visited. This has just been my experience. Good luck, have fun, and blue skies.