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Everything posted by mojosme

  1. Well, I got in on this a little late but I've been out leaning on my shovel. Yes I'm a lineman. No I didn't get to come to FL to play. I do however have co-workers there doing their jobs as I write this. Your initial post left me sitting here with my jaw dropped. I know you apologized but it seemed rather insincere to me. There is much more I would like to say but personal attacks are all that come to mind right now. Maybe some day we'll meet and discuss your high regards of lineman over our favorite beverage.
  2. This book is a terrific source of information. I wish I had it many jumps ago. Many thanks to Brian for sharing years of experience and research. I've found myself re-reading many sections just so I'm sure I grasped the full scope of all this knowledge. Thanks again Brian... you're certainly a benefit to this sport.
  3. Yeah, I was there a bit early myself. Slept at the F anmarker Inn even. The catch is that we were working 18 hour days putting the power lines back up that the thunderstorms blew down. Anyone living in central IL probably saw the Ameren trucks shuffling around everywhere. On the bright side, the overtime from that storm is gonna pay for this years WFFC. Can't wait!
  4. Congratulations Dan. Only 3 jumps and you're the center of controversy. I was well over a hundred jumps before I got there. Just kidding. Seriously, all this DZ/instructor bashing is making me feel like Archway is being personally attacked.
  5. Swoopyswoop... I just realized you were a lineman. Glad to see a fellow skydiving lineman. There are too few of us.
  6. This thread seems to have deviated from the poster's original question about winds and his canopies behavior. Speaking as a former USPA instuctor, I've never witnessed any activities at the above mentioned DZ that would ever put a student in harms way. Finger pointing doesn't educate anyone.
  7. Grant--- Please remember the silent majority who are patiently waiting, knowing it will be worth the wait and who would also like to see the DVD offered again next year.