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    Parachute School Of Toronto
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  1. ***You Are Coffee Ice Cream*** Energetic and lively, you are always on the go. You're doing a million things at once and doing them well. You tend to motivate others and raise spirits. You are most compatible with chocolate ice cream.
  2. AZdav Cornholio + Spouse! :) Floridadiver81 g_fun Gonzo (gonzalesna) GravityJunky Icon134 Jewels kelel01 LadyFlyer77 matt1215 MrFreefal383 Sartre Skysprite Speedracer dive goddess ExAFO Jerm & GF BlueSkiesBabe
  3. 43. It's a fairly accurate description.
  4. I have a friend, who is super kind, and caring, but dumb as a post. She even got fired from McD's.
  5. I'm so sorry. Our dog is such a big part of our family. I can imagine how you feel.
  6. Stories of any parent killing their own child just sickens me.
  7. BlueSkiesBabe


    Ian, you can buy me something!
  8. BlueSkiesBabe


    Valentine's Day to me is just a commerialized event. It's more about the things that are said and done every day of the year. Me and my hubby keep VD low key. Just a nice dinner at home. Of course, this year, we'll be on a plane flying to see my bro who's in the hospital.
  9. I'm going to repeat what most others have said. It can get really cold and snowy that time of year here. Today for instance has a high of -15C. And it's been snowing for the last few days, and will continue for the next couple of days. It may be pretty to look at, but unless you are a skier, it doesn't leave much to do. I love my country, but I love it more in the spring and summer. Then it's truely beautiful.
  10. On my team at work, half of the people got flu shots last year. Those who got the shot ended up with the flu. Those of us who didn't get vaccinated, didn't get the flu.
  11. Hi everyone. Here's a brief summary of my exposure to skydiving. I only have 5 jumps under my belt, 4 static line under rounds, and one tandem. But I love it, and hope to be able to head south to do some serious training. Although, I haven't jumped much, I have been hanging out with skydivers, and on a DZ pretty much every weekend, and many week nights for the last year and a half. I love the atmosphere, I love the people, and when I do get up there, I love the air. Cheers!