A while back I wanted to do a study/write up on various sports and heart rate.
I used the monitor for: Snowboarding, Rock Climbing, Bungee, Paragliding, Skydive. I have yet tried it with BASE, or Hang Gliding and would like too. I'll BASE jump, but no way will I HG.
With jumping my heart rate was fastest just before the jump. Then it slowed during freefall, and back up before opening. Rate lowered for the canopy ride and raised again before landing. I hit three peaks, each a little smaller than the last.
Paragliding results varied alot. If the thermals are crank'n up, my heart rate was all-over. On a super smooth day I was exceptionaly calm. My rate was highest before ever dawning my gear. After suiting up, and prep for launch,, my rate dropped. After finding these results I paid more attention on launch as to how I felt. It was then I noticed how relaxed, almost medative I got. This calm surprises me still.
I have found rock climbing effects me more than paragliding.
In a way this tells me how " at home" I am with paragliding. Climbing the cliff scares me good, we launching off one has little effect,,,wierd. Then again, I'm certainly a strange one.....
I wish I hadnt stopped with this project. Good to hear I'm not the only one interested in silly info.
I'd like to hear your results with BASE.
Charley Murphy aka "DARKNESS"
*Attached are some pictures from our club Fly-In.