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Everything posted by SniperCJ

  1. Ive had some good "00" jumps but the best has been the 500th. It was a CRW 4 stack with multiple rotations and only my second CRW jump ever. Was prety fun.
  2. I have a second rig. Its set up just like my primary rig. Both are Mirage rigs with Diablo 150's. The reserves are different however. Handles are all the same As a camera flyer my main concern is not having to deal with a different set of emergency procedures., hence the same setup.
  3. Yes, youre missing something here. Youre missing a front license plate as required by Texas State law. General Motors can mold anything they want to in the front of your 'vette but youre still required to cover it up with a license plate. And yes,,,its a chicken shit law. Only thing it might be good for is identifying cars both coming and going (like for witnesses of hit and run accidents and crime scene and such, although that doesnt happen often.)
  4. Its Pliskin, Snake Pliskin... Escape From New York. I'm Year of the Dragon JC
  5. Lets see... #200 was a solo in full SWAT gear. The kevlar helmet was making me backslide like crazy. #300 was on the back of an inflatable shark with 6 dockers. #400 was a 7 way hybrid. #500 was a 4 stack CReW jump Still planning #600... JC
  6. SniperCJ


    Oh man, Spiders and scorpions! We have those big black and yellow graden spiders all over the DZ. I have to yell to manifest sometimes because one will build a web right under the window and I cant get close to the window. I had a scorpion in my pants one time (not to be confused with a snake or python etc...) and it started stinging me and heading north, if you know what I mean... Pretty painful.
  7. Blue Man Group is great. Saw them in Vegas last year. Check out the musical instruments they play. Way cool! No way to really describe the show. Go and enjoy!
  8. Like the T-shirt says: "If it cant kill you, its not an extreme sport"
  9. The Canon Rebel uses the 2.5mm plug that you can get already on either the bite or the tongue switch from Conceptus. No need for the cable release from the camera or any mods. Just plug it in and go. JC
  10. What they said! Plus I really like the fact that I had 2 cutaways before I started camera jumping. Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to have dealt with 2 situations pre-camera before having to deal with one with a camera. Tandem masters are required to have had a live cutaway or an intentional cutaway before getting a rating. I know that would be tough on a lot of people given that I know many people with a couple thousand jumps and never had a cutaway. Just something else to think about. JC
  11. I have a Rebel 2000. Bought a 28mm lens and it closely approximates the view I get with my PC9. Both have worked well for tandem shooting.
  12. I carried a Colt Combat Elite 45 when I first started police work. I was issued a Sig 226 (which I hated) when I started on SWAT. Then we went to the Glock 22 (40 cal) which I love. I still, however, carry a Kimber Ultra Carry 45 for U/C work. Kimber makes a great 45. Little pricy but nice guns. I love 45's! Speakin of 12 ga shotguns tho. I have a cool little Mossberg pump with a 14 inch barrel. Pretty intimidating little entry gun!
  13. I might have a *couple* of weapons around the house. Ive actually won more guns (4) in the last 2 years at sniper competitions than ive purchased. Nuthin better than a free gun, cept a NICE free gun (like the custom Infinity 45 Govt model I won...) While guns are nice, what I really like are custom knives. Got a few of those. JC
  14. I got my replacement tongue switch the other day. Thanks Ed at Conceptus!! While I wont be able to jump it for a couple of weeks, I test tongued it (DONT get started!) and it ROCKS. Nice crisp *click* when its depressed. Should be able to definately feel it in the air. No more guess work if Ive pressed it or not. Very nice feel. JC
  15. Using Street Atlas, I found a Podunk, Connecticut, one in Michigan, one in New York, and one in Vermont. Couldn't find one in my home state of Kansas. Just thought I'd let you know. Haaaa, my bad!
  16. The Al Queda thing comes from something I read about AQ planning acts of terror on a smaller and more personal level. I dont remember where I read it and in what context, but it does seem to fit. WTC was on a grand scale and the average citizen in Podunk Kansas might not relate too well, but everybody relates to gassing up the car, shopping at Home Depot and the like. Under 25 because most wannabe cop/sniper/SWAT/ military types are in that age range. The shooting skills he has exhibited so far could be a product of too much Silent Scope (a video arcade sniper game) and a few hours of range time. As to what to call him...I dunno. Sniper is the most convenient term and easily recognizable to most people. I and most reasonably intelligent people understand the difference in a professional sniper and a nutball sniper without having to coin a new term. I dont get too worked up about it. Hell, my own administration refuses to call me a sniper. They prefer the 'softer' more PC term 'marksman'. I'll hafta go look up the FBI definition of 'serial killer'. Why dont they define this guy as a serial killer? JC
  17. Personal bank loan and packing all summer
  18. Assuming this is not linked to Al Queda... No prior military or Police training (like someone else said, from what Ive heard most of the shots have been less than spectacular marksmanship) Under 25 White male Using his vehicle as a shooting platform in most of the shootings Michelle seemed to have a pretty good handle on the psychological stuff (underachiever etc) I will say he's been pretty meticulous in his planning. Seems to have the insert and exfil parts of the operation down. And he does see this as an operation.
  19. I move so I'm no longer upwind...If I dont smell it and i dont see it, then theres OBVIOUSLY nothing going on.
  20. I belong to an e-mail discussion group of PROFESSIONAL snipers. We've come to the conclusion that there are enough of us on the group to blanket the area. Eventually one of us would end this madness.
  21. Hmmmm, must be the comments like this that give me the impression. I too check the badge at the door. On the DZ, I just want to skydive and be around my friends. However, that said, I would prefer that you show me the courtesy of moving out of sight before you fire up a bowl at the party later. In the 3+ years Ive been jumping, Ive always been shown that courtesy by the jumpers at my DZ and I love em for that. JC
  22. No, its not just you. Ive gotten that same feeling on a number of occasions. Sometimes from comments made, sometimes simply from being ignored... Most of the time, once you become a skydiver, youre thought of as a skydiver first, then whatever else you are (skydiver/lawyer, skydiver/doctor, skydiver/jerk, whatever), seems with us, in people's minds, its always cop/whatever...if they get past the first part at all... I didnt read past the first post before posting. Should be interesting... John
  23. Man, thats one Pissed-Off cat! Bring that little doggie over to my house to play. I gotta 20 lb cat that'll KICK his a$$!! ;-) JC