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Binary93 last won the day on June 18 2021

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65 Good



  • Container Other
  • Main Canopy Size
  • Main Canopy Other
    Icarus Spain X-Fire
  • Reserve Canopy Size
  • Reserve Canopy Other
    Precision Aerodynamics Raven
  • AAD
    Cypres 2

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    Skydive Subotica, Serbia
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  1. I'd chop the main. If the risers are free, the canopy can't inflate. I'm only hypothesizing now about could've/would've/should've (note I have only ~400 jumps), but because you didn't chop it immediately, you allowed it to inflate, spin, and get risers entangled into that ball of $h!t which is why it remained inflated even later after you chopped. If you had chopped it immediately and cleared the risers, it would hopefully hang only on the bridle/PC and wouldn't interfere with the flight as much.
  2. Not sure if you're asking seriously, but yeah, I've got that combo and it fits nicely. And you have it on the sizing chart: And you have a video of Tom Parker from SunPath doing it.
  3. Fair enough. I'm just the person to prefer talking about the essence rather than formalism and linguistics. Even more so, "some" in that sentence suggests some of them are "true schuemann planform" while some aren't. Sorry for derailing the thread a bit.
  4. Which ones specifically? This is the only "listing" I see here, so not sure what you mean cause these are all schuemann (except Prime and Nexus from FW, but obviously that would be nitpicking).
  5. 100% support for this, just actively add a layer of focus towards how your specific situation might affect your jumps (for yourself and others involved). Take it easy, take the time needed to adjust, hope for the best but plan for the worst. P. S. I'm often teased for sounding pessimistic, but it's a sport which can easily kill you and it's most often poor planning and "it will probably be okay" attitude that does most of the work (not saying that's you, just overcommunicating).
  6. My current favorite is FORS (by Avalon). Extremely simple design, yet it isn't affected by the pull direction (only by force). Infinity's MARD is also pretty nice design in my opinion. Trap by Mirage is also pretty great in my opinion as it provides zero force on total malfunction reserve deployment. You have to replace parts after several deployments IIRC, but that's what you pay for more security I guess.
  7. Not familiar with this, would you mind sharing please?
  8. The thing that could happen is that you stow the slider using the keeper and afterwards decide to cutaway. In theory it could cause a slight delay or completely fail to release, though I've tested mine on the ground and it takes very little force for it to release. Not 100% related to your question, but I would worry more about this than about magnetic interference (though I'm using a magnetic keeper myself and don't think it would cause issues).
  9. Talk to your doctor first if you haven't already. If they're cool with you doing some tunnel time and don't think it will cause reinjury, just go to the tunnel and don't say anything about it I guess. At least that's what I'd do.
  10. Binary93


    It's called "Removable Deployment System" commonly referred to as RDS. After deployment, slider, dbag and pc don't have any function. Removing them increases the canopy performance by reducing drag. Not having the PC dangling behind the canopy is also useful if you're doing any CRW, so that noone can get caught up in it (though CRW canopies have other solutions for that). There is also an "in-between" solution where only the slider is removable while the dbag and pc stay attached. It's generally useless for large and slow canopies and only becomes important when you're going high performance (drag increases with velocity squared).
  11. I'm pretty new to the sport (May 2018. first jump, ~380 jumps now) so I remember the beginning pretty well. Put 3x 50-100 jump folks in the same jump, we were all sliding and rotating, and without someone who can hold a position steadily, we couldn't tell who was doing what (everyone thought others were sliding/rotating). Even on the video, it's not always obvious. Fully agree. I was allowed to jump a camera at #80 and went for it as I guess most would. If it was luck or skill or something third is irrelevant, we survived somehow I guess, but it's the opposite examples that we should optimize for. It's the instructors/DZO/S&TA who need to implement boundries, and as we can't tell the future, it's better to err on the safe side.
  12. Put a few of these jumpers in the same formation jump and you can see if someone is flying backwards because they're touching their head with their feet and correct it in the next jump. These things might not be obvious or noticed without a video. I have definitely had a lot of solved problems by reviewing the videos. Camera is an extremely good tool for learning, the ideal would be that you are always jumping with someone experienced who can help you learn, but that's not always the case (and in my example, it was very rare). Not everyone will wear the camera for the same reason. I know folks with 100ish jumps who wore hand-mounted camera to record themselves for social media. These folks focus on the camera and not on the jump and it's where the problems can arise. Those who can put on a camera and forget about it until the ground can learn a lot faster with it. The rules are made with a margin on the safe side. 200 jumps is not some scientifically correct number, you're not unsafe on #200 and then safe on #201, but there needs to be some criteria, right? How would you define it?
  13. RSL is a lanyard connecting one of the main risers and reserve ripcord (and MARD if it's there). Once the reserve canopy is open, RSL doesn't have any function, but it still exists connected to the main riser. In case you have two canopies out and decide to cutaway the main, you will still have a lanyard dangling from the main riser which can get caught in something (for example, it could whip and wrap around the reserve risers). Disconnecting it reduces/removes the chances for this.
  14. This is flawed logic from my perspective. Reserve has to be spring-loaded because there's no alternative (or am I missing one)? The question should be, what are the pros and cons of using throw out vs spring-loaded pc. Many things essentially aren't good/bad or correct/wrong, but because the stakes are too high, we optimize as much as we can and hope for the best. I'd personally much rather have only a reserve canopy above my head (even deployed by AAD) instead of a ball of $#!7 made out of bridles, lines, dbags, freebags... but that could be just me.
  15. Seems I'm on a roll with posting FF videos, but I really find this one as an important part of the literature and an instant response to "why can't I wear camera". The lack of skills (while wearing cameras) is fairly obvious and is probably indicative of their jump counts. It's a bit hypocritical of me since I started wearing camera at around #80 (a bit different laws here), but without a fair number of jumps, you just don't have the CPU to process everything, you're still wasting brain power to check if your legs are bent and if you're rotating. Adding camera can easily turn it into a zoo dive. Not everyone will think about the camera and the shots during the jump, but it's just easier to put a big enough number and play on the safe side.