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Everything posted by roq

  1. The conquest is a good canopy, but you can't make turns and swoop in front risers because the canopy make "trembles and slaps" special in turbulent conditions . In all other situations the canopy is reasonably good. Roq
  2. see all posts of Mr Michaelflying and you have the answer. I don't know Mr Michaelflying ! Roq
  3. I am serious and honest person Please, if you want to do humor, don't reply for me with humor text and don't make doubt anybody about the text of your game. Roq
  4. See Roq
  5. I did until today hundreds of jumps in Atair canopys Cobalt and Impulse (equal to cobalt) 85, 75 and 120 I just made one cut away with the 85 when it tested a main bag without line stows, I opened one toggle accidental when it tried to clear the two line twists. I had no any hard openning. Today I still consider these canopys the best of the world in opennings and landings Even so, any canopy, especially if it is elliptical, when not well driven or packed can work badly I know person that made three reserves rides in 10 jumps with a new stilleto 120, for reasons of line twists... I also know who did cut away with canopys light loaded a spectre 107 and PD 170 and other canopys because spin when had line twists. In my experience, I know some malfuncions that per times are also psychological... Per times the positive or negative feedeback has also to do with the commercial interests of each one. The best feedbeck in my opinion is of a good pilot that jumped to canopy (not for hearing to say) and others canopys and don't be sponsored by the maker and that not just a only a dealer of the some canopys Roq
  6. For parafgliders is more important you know the DHV class, model, year, number of flyght hours and geral aspect that you knowing the trim specifications or other. If the paraglider have broken or wrong lines, or tears you need to repair in paraglider specialist See Glide calculator and know the value of your used glider. Roq
  7. A good option for good opennings in parafoils is to put two windows (20x30 cm) in 2 and 6 cell of the bottom skin and to close the internal cross-ports only in the ribs close to the windows. My parafoils always has this applied and they have an opening type two stages openings. The type or size of the slider in this case is not very important. The better brake setings for openning is without braking for normal risers or like the normal risers for acuracy risers. Theoretically to canopy it is also more pressurized in flight Remember, the correct localization of the windows is very important, ask your rigger. Roq
  8. Impulse 85 (roq mod) load to 2.1 I can to loose 200ft or 1500ft in 180 front riser. Depends as I make this!!! roq
  9. I worked with triangle nose mod in a few canopys and I verified that the behavior of the different canopys is different with the same mod patern. The trim, brack setings, slider size, original nose, cross ports is very important for to define the final openning carateristics and flying. This mod's is very good and improve the canopy performance when work welI, but if you put the triangle nose mod in any canopy without jump tests and adjustment, you can to have great disillusions like big snivels, irrecoverable line twists, semi inflated or not open canopy. Roq
  10. I jump a Cobalt and Impulse 2 years ago. The Impulse is equal to Cobalt same platform same trim and same profil, only the top skin is 1 panel for cell instead 2 in cobalt. The impulse/cobalt recovery arc is more long than stilleto, but the bottom lift of the impulse have very more power than stilleto. Roq
  11. I agree with rgoper. My pack jobs is only based in my experience. But Dan Preston from Atair can provide more help for you. Roq
  12. In my roq-mod I am forced to use a small slider because the openings is too soft with the standard slider I used my pack job always in normal nose for Atair canopys with very good openings in hundreds of jumps. In my opinion, the most important deal in pack is the slider quartered and the front lip about 3" out the center cel, and the roll 4/4 in out cells. Don't push the nose all inside, but push only the necessary for the nose to be centered and abed in the pack job. roq
  13. This is only one pack job problem. I made hundreds jumps with Atair cobalt and impulse and have no only one hard openning. Make the slider quartered, put the lip slider 3" out of center cell, roll 1 turn the out four cell for inner (not inside center cell). Adjust and center the nose before roll the tail. Roll the tail 4 or 5 times, center together the nose and keep it in final pack job. see pic in attach roq
  14. Does anybody have experience of Paragliding and Skydiving? I tried Paragliding and I was with the idea that is very easy the flight with a paragliding canopy for a esperienced skydiver. Is right that exist differences in behavior of the canopies in strong wind conditions and thermal activity, in colapses, in the speeds etc. I would like to see the opinions of who had this experience. Roq
  15. Yes. the binding tape of the triangle sides is sewn in inside and sewn again together to canopy roq
  16. The roq mod that I developed for my 85 is similar to H-mod but the nose triangles is a bit more size than original H-mod. The point of the triangle attaching to the loaded ribs is close the bottom skin and top is a bit more large In out cells the triangles are proportional this size Normal it need a small slider for normal openning. With standard slider the openings have big snivel. The canopy open, fly, swoop and flare great roq
  17. I have sent for your e-mail my address, name and phone. roq
  18. You can send the canopy for me and you have the canopy repaired in 1 week. roq
  19. See the site roq
  20. I can see in pic that the Onix construction is similar to Ninja (PDF) but the Onyx is very more tapered than it and have only 3 x panels for rib instead 4 of the Ninja. Ninja seems more the square canopy although has an AR of 2, 92 The onix seems simple and clean of additional fabric. Good job! roq
  21. With certainty you have a trim or packing problem in the canopy. When have correct trim and packing the cobalt is the best openning canopy of the World! I have more than 700 jumps with atair Cobalt and Impulse 75, 85 and 120 and never had any hard openning. Normal the CC and H-mod cobalt has still more soft opennings than original cobalt Don't modifies slider or other in your canopy. Ask Dan Preston from Atair about your problem. If you have interest in my packing see attach. roq
  22. Can you inform which the true technical problem of the canopy ? Roq
  23. I think the canopy is Nitro, no Viper, from Germany High Performance Research Roq
  24. roq

    BT60 canopy

    The BT 60 is a ZP 9 cell semi eliptical canopy of Parachute France with AR about 2.5 and flat glide ratio. The design is old with leading edge without lip (one of the reasons for hard openings) This canopy flying and landing good but are prone for hard opennings. Roq
  25. In my 85 roq-mod (similar to h-mod) in the first jumps with standard slider I verified a snivel increase, but the canopy was new and just had 4 or 5 jumps before me to install the roq-mod. I placed a smaller slider then to decrease the snivel. After a few jumps with the small slider the opening became fast but no hard. Then I placed the standard slider again and the canopy open almost in the same time of a normal but still more softer. I think that the lines and trim adjusted after the first jumps and they allowed to use the standard slider without great difference in the time of opening. Now I already did more than 200 jumps with my 85 roq-mod with normal slider and I don't want another thing. Roq