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Everything posted by roq

  1. I also made already a lots of jumps with the cobalt 85 load to 2.1 / 2.2 with standard pro-pack, always with soft and good opening. But as in any canopie, with the same pack the opening can differ slightly in the retard with per times heading slightly alterations without problems. I think that the small differences in the opening retards and headings, they are also motivated by the number of days the canopie have pack in container, the squeeze inside of the container, and also for the humidity when and with that the canopie is packed. Now I make all packs to psico-pack, but without to roll the canopie. I use the psico pack but with S-fold only. Because I think that the psico-pack guarantees larger consistency in the presentation of the canopie to the air and in the inflate opening. I already made 30 jumps and the opennings they were always the same and very soft, without exaggerated retard. The opening of the cobalt were very good and now they are still better!!!
  2. I agree with Dan I don't have doubt that Cobalt for having gotten a progress and a better technical improvement, that sees him in its behavior, in the opening, in flight and in landing, flies with more safety to an less speed. Some other canopies always needs more speed for have an safe and acceptable lift and control. It can sees, especially, with turbulence conditions.
  3. In my opinion the Cobalt is not slower than the other canopies with the same size. Simply, Cobalt is balanced and has a softer and previsible behavior that gives a true sensation of safety, as a 30 year-old automobile ago compared with a current automobile. There are 30 years when you went the speed 50 miles and had the sensation of going to 120 miles, today you go to 120 miles and you seems going to 50.
  4. roq


    When I tried Ninja (94), for besides the opinions that I wrote, I was with the idea that Ninja is an interesting project in the technician aspect, but in flight, opennings, pack and price didn't convince me. For less money and with best characteristic we have other canopies, in expecial the Cobalt (and Impulse) that is now, only, The best Canopie HP of the market!!! RS
  5. roq


    I tested the new canopie Ninja 94 of Parachute of France and my personal opinion is the following: Technical elements on the canopie (that I measured). The canopie is a tricel 7 cel, with real AR of 2.90 to 3, it is the maximum that I know in HP canopies. Has 94 Sq feet in fact, which not always it happens with some other makers that don't inform the true area. With relationship to the construction, the canopie is different from everything that I know in tricels canopies. The crossed panels (ribs) are sewn close the connections of the lines (A,B,C,D) and sewn along whole the cord of the top skin at 1/4 of the cell without any other one vertical rib for besides the normal rib to the center of the cell. The platform of the wing is slightly tapered, seems almost square, has little elliptic curvature but this seems symmetrical among the leading edge and trailing edge. I didn't already like only the great volume of the canopy, which and normal for this construction type, and a certain difficulty in the packing, for the same reason. In flight: Load for 1.85 Packing: Standard Propack Aligned Opennings but with excessive snack force (almost a kick in the behind). A lot of snivel. Canopie non twist. Slope down or Gliding Ratio very flat. Hard front risers pressure. Very short recovery arch, swoop difficult. Flare easy to control Summary: Qualities: opennings and aligned flight, non twist, good flare, good rigidity and stability in flight. Defects: Excessive snack forces and snivel, short recovery arch, heavy front risers, pack volume, pack job. My experience: 1800 jumps Personal canopie Cobalt 85 load 2.2 Experience other HP canopies: Cobalt85, Alpha 94, Contrail 95, 105, 120, 135, Nitro 88, Stilleto 120,135,150, BT 40, BT50, BT For 120, Viper 105, Jedei 105. Heat Wave 135, 170, Nova 110 etc... RS
  6. I tested the new canopie Ninja 94 of Parachute of France and my personal opinion is the following: Technical elements on the calote (that I measured). The canopie is a tricel 7 cel, with real AR of 2.90 to 3, it is the maximum that I know in HP canopies. Has 94 Sq feet in fact, which not always it happens with some other makers that don't inform the true area. The trim, or attack angle is more inclined in the 3 cells of the center and less in the outside cells. Will it be for to avoid the spin and twist? With relationship to the construction, the canopie is different from everything that I know in tricels canopies. The crossed panels are sewn close the connections of the lines and sewn along whole the cord of the top skin, at 1/4 of the cell without any other one vertical panel for besides the normal to the center of the cell. The platform of the wing is slightly tapered, seems almost square, has little elliptic curvature but this seems symmetrical among the leading edge and trailing edge. I didn't already like only the great volume of the canopy, which and normal for this construction type, and a certain difficulty in the packing, for the same reason. In flight: Load for 1.85 Packing: Standard Propack Aligned Opennings but with excessive snack force (almost a kick in the behind). A lot of snivel. Canopie non twist. Slope down or Gliding Ratio very flat. Hard front risers pressure. Very short recovery arch, swoop difficult. Flare easy to control Summary: Qualities: opennings and aligned flight, non twist, good flare, good rigidity and stability in flight. Defects: Excessive snack forces and snivel, short recovery arch, heavy front risers. My experience: 1800 jumps Personal canopie Cobalt 85 load 2.2 Experience other HP canopies: Cobalt85, Alpha 94, Contrail 95, 105, 120, 135, Nitro 88, Stilleto 120,135,150, BT 40, BT50, BT For 120, Viper 105, Jedei 105. Heat Wave 135, 170, New 110 etc... Sorry my bad English RS
  7. I just mean that, in my opinion, there is canopys that nothing never happens suspect, and there are another canopys that once in a while has suspicious behaviors. Only to meditate. Anything else.
  8. There are some few canopys that has, per times, eccentric behaviors in turbulence. In times it was the Nova and Pintail. To have or not to have airlocks or tricel doesn't solve the problem when there is defect in the conception. Anybody hear to speak about inexplicable collapses in Extremes, Stilleto, Diablos, Spectres, Bat-Wing, Cobalt, Alpha, Viper, BT, Nitro? The answer, I think, is not !!! RS
  9. There are some few canopys that has, per times, eccentric behaviors in turbulence. In times it was the Nova and Pintail. To have or not to have airlocks doesn't solve the problem when there is defect in the conception. Anybody hear to speak about inexplicable collapses in Extremes, Stilleto, Diablos, Spectres, Bat-Wing, Cobalt, Alpha, Viper, BT, Nitro? The answer, I think, it is not!!!
  10. roq

    Xaos data!!

    I didn't jump Xaos. My declaration is based in photos observation of Xaos. Confirm if it is like this, please
  11. roq

    Xaos data!!

    I think that the largest and great difference of the Xaos 21 is he to have just three line group A,B,C That is great innovation! RS
  12. Viper have better openings than stilletos (less twitchy and less spinning) better manufacture quality like the cobalt.
  13. I make a packing of my cobalt 85 (and all my eliptical canopys) like Chuck Blue, but I bend the nose 4 out cell half turn for inside, leaving opened the nose of center cell. I don't push the nose inside, and I roll the tail 5 turns. The slider is quartered and front lip of the slider are aligned with center cell. I have soft and straight opening, and never had a hard opening same when open of high speed. I don't believe the cobalt have hard opening with it process of packing. A.J.
  14. roq

    accuracy canopys

    I would like to know technical information about alterations in accuracy canopys (Parafoil) If somebody has some knowledge on this please informs me. A.J. e-mail
  15. roq

    Acuracy Canopys

    It would like to change technical information about alterations in canopys (Parafoil) for competition accuracy. A.J. e-mail Edited by roq on 4/23/01 05:01 AM.