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Everything posted by KariLB

  1. After 200 jumps in this sport, I have finally found out how to sink my canopy in using my brakes, just like what was explained. I had a horrible time with accuracy (I always made it back to the DZ but landed in an area further out to avoid all the people) and now by using those techniques I can land safely in the area that I want to. Don't forget to practice up high! I've never collapsed my canopy by sinking it in but I am fully aware of what could happen and constantly re-evaluate what's happening during my approach. Blue skies Kari
  2. when i first started exits were thee SCARIEST for me(what the hell did i know about fun before skydiving??). NOWWWW that's the part i love most
  3. cessna 206 plus a turbine that changes every year--this year a grand caravan, last year we had a king air and a beech 99. but my true home dz is where it all started and we jumped a cresco....looks like a giant mosquito but it was our baby!