I started my AFF course back in May after thinking about it 6 years after I did my tandem jump. I was always thinking that I'd love to be a skydiver but never managed to save some money for it. I finally got a better job with a good pay so I saved up a little and signed up for a course. I planned to complete my course in 1-2 months. I thought I won't rush it and just enjoy it. Unfortunately 5 months later I'm still struggling with L7. I went to a tunnel twice. I work on some of the weekends and it happens to be a bad weather when I'm not working. I jumped 12 times and failed 6 times. I decided to go to Algarve for 4 days and try to complete it all. Somehow, from a very enthusiastic student I became just meh and I feel maybe it's just not for me. All I can think is that I'm going to fail my L7, i's hard to believe in myself. I thought I would just share my experience as I would love to get involved in sport more, but it seems that the fear of jumping out and failing is so big and that is pushing me away and I can't enjoy. Thanks for reading this.