As lame as it may sound, I'm in need of info on what to buy when it comes to my own skydiving rig. I never thought I'd see the day when I could afford one, but selling your soul to the milirtary has its advantages in the financial department, especially if you're single. Now I am faced with the problem of knowing my ass from my equipment...what are the essential elements of the purchase, where is the best place to buy new gear, and what brands are most dependable and suitable for a beginner like me? I need to know what the difference is between a rig and a container...sad, isn't it?, I'm like, really new to this scene, but my heart is in it... I think that no matter how stressed I get over my work in the Army, as long as I can go skydiving at least once a week, I'll be able to remain sane. So, if anyone wants to help me out with my little dilemma, I'd really appreciate it.