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Everything posted by shunkka

  1. congrats! that`s nice congrats to ur daddy too ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  2. a double mal? ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  3. nice one ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  4. shunkka

    Age survey...

    Tom A is younger?? reading his posts i can bet he have 100 years of experience ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  5. looks like fun but i WANT SUMMER!!! ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  6. some pics ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  7. thanks guys ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  8. if it`s a repost pls delete it who made the first official AFF course, where and when? and the first unofficial AFF? thanks just for my curiosity ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  9. shunkka

    BASE Numbers

    the book edit: attachment removed due to copyright concerns ~TA ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  10. shunkka

    base kids..!?

    yeah AeNima sound very cool on that video (even better than on the original video) nice one ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  11. ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  12. shunkka

    base kids..!?

    nice video job... only talent on it or some video/edit school? good job, nice A ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  13. me@work... sleepy and dreaming ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  14. after full opening and sometimes on accuracy jumps ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  15. totaly wrong... ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  16. tragic in my town is a museum with this kind of tragedies ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  17. i had a "nice" neighbour 4 month 3 time/week at 12.30 am (ALWAYS!!!!) the same sounds (10 minutes) hehehehe ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  18. Do you have skysurf experience? No , the whole jump was sub-terminal anyway. Quote any experience in Big Air snowboard jumps? 10+ metters? the LZ permit to land the snowboard? just curious... nice jump... looks fun ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  19. with proper gear and proper training it can be safer than whuffo`s think.... but ofcourse the risk exists ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  20. thanks ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  21. and probably the slowest one 1 hour to 10k... sometime it`s fun ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  22. anyone have news about when it`s open? the site say "coming soon" i jumped at Borgond DZ (near the windtunel location) and i want more news about it thanks ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  23. noice ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  24. my friends love it i`m not into alchoool ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"