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  1. I was reading somewhere here that somebody (being a bit vague arent i) said something along these lines " its good to see someone take it further after having a Tandem(ie going for a liscence) as not many ppl do it as well as not many getting there liscence." Being a "newie i was just wondering from all you guys and gals experince how many DONT get thier liscence after attempting it. I was hoping to go for my liscence flat chat in 1 week or thereabouts. am i being a bit hopeful? and yes i live in Tasmania
  2. Yes waiting til Nov doesnt go down well!! But i just used up 4 weeks holiday to experience a tandem so have to work up my holidays again. Plan to get my liscence in Nov so that in one years time i will have long service holidays which is 3mnths paid holiday so i can really get some jump time!!! My prob is that in my state (island state) we only have 1 DZ and that has a 100 jump minimum. to do my liscence i have to fly across this country at great expen$e thanks for the warm greetings guys ...stay well all!
  3. Well I thought I should say Hello to all. I had my first Tandem in Jan. and have just booked my holidays in Nov to do my liscence. This site has been great to read and all your comments are great reading as a "newie". I thought i should read as much as possible before i go for my lessons. I'm slowly understanding your slang ! lol. well my real reason for posting was to get a feel from you guys about the best place in AUSTRALIA to do it! i did my jump in caloundra and will return do do it there as i have accomodation there. But living in Tas means Vic would be just as easy.....any ideas??