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Everything posted by megan1272

  1. For those of you not of facebook: There will be a memorial ash dive and celebration of Chris' life at Skydive San Diego on Sunday, April 17. I've included some information below that was provided about the day/service. People should arrive at or before 2pm. The ash dive is scheduled around 4 - 5pm, depending on weather which is why people are asked to come early. There will be a Brazilian style BBQ starting close to sunset and a party to continue throughout the evening. BYOB. For more information, please reference the memorial page on facebook
  2. Thanks so much for the advice! I'd thought about booking a hostel but didn't know if I was too old. I lived on Maui back in the early 90's but have never been to Oahu - looking forward to a few days relaxation before getting back to (apparently) cold San Diego. I haven't jumped since last year and have heard that the winds/landing can make the dz there a little iffy, so I think I'll just be enjoying the ocean this time around. Thanks again for the input - greatly appreciated!
  3. I spent about a year traveling in SE Asia and stopped in Cambodia to do some work with a nonprofit, then later began working for a photographer there and got totally sucked in.
  4. Hi all! I'm heading back home to San Diego next week and am stuck with a 3 day layover in Honolulu (god forbid - a layover in Hawaii! ). Random question, but if anyone has spent time there or lives there, can you recommend a cheap (but safe) place to stay? I've been working in Cambodia the past few years and am on a fairly tight budget coming back to the States. Cheers!
  5. One is technically not skydiving - I think you'll figure which one. Other two I took the day before I moved to Cambodia in November. God I miss San Diego!
  6. I know you hated these forums, so I'll keep it short. Thanks for all the great memories over the past few years - I'm so sorry you left us so soon. You will be sorely missed, my friend. Blue skies Wyat. P.S. Your bandit jump/James Bond video still makes me laugh till I cry.
  7. Anyone planning on attending? I'm traveling through SE Asia for the next few months and will likely be passing back through Laos from Vietnam at this time...unfortuantely, my rig was a bit much to carry around with me in this weather, so looking into whether or not there will be any rental gear available.
  8. Vegas baby, Vegas! Big Bear Palm Springs Ensenada (get insurance at the boarder for your new wheels!) Santa Barbara Mammoth Yeah, I like road trips.
  9. Ha! I know - that's why I continue to read the forums...there's always something in here to make me laugh!
  10. I'll admit it. I'm a voyeur. (get your minds out of the gutter!)
  11. So I did the "escape from corporate America" thing a few months ago and moved out to the Cayman Islands to work for a dive (SCUBA) operator on Grand Cayman. I'm finding that while I love the weather and diving here, this island is just too small - and desperately in need of a dropzone. Since I've already gotten rid of all of my belongings in San Diego (except my rig, of course!) I'm debating another location...problem is that sponsorship abroad outside of the corporate realm seems impossible to come by. Who's lived abroad - where did you live and how did you get sponsorship? More importantly - was there a skydiving community?
  12. Yes, I am bored...and really missing jumping.
  13. Hey Aubrey - Andy is going to be opening Skydive Imperial soon...rumor has it the opening is going to be either this weekend or next weekend. Of course, we could always stop the speculation and just call them to find out.
  14. This should give you info you need as far as eligibility for unemployment. It may also be worth noting that if you indicate that you feel you are being compelled to quit, your employer may be less likely to contest an unemployment claim (they may want to avoid a legal headache). I worked in HR compliance for a number of years and I've seen many cases where the employer doesn't contest simply because it's too much of a hassle (these were fairly large companies so the unemployment claims were pocket change to them). At any rate, you can at least find out what NM deems 'voluntary'. Good luck.
  15. My brother lives in SF and sent over one of the videos 'in question'... Maybe I'm not very pc, but I thought (this one at least) was funny as hell.
  16. There are about 5 - 10 people from Otay heading out there on Friday...
  17. Born: Ridgefield, CT Stockbridge, MA Carlsbad, CA Worthington, OH Redondo Beach, CA Keihei, HI Galena, OH Santa Barbara, CA Davis, CA San Luis Obispo, CA San Francisco, CA Newport Beach, CA Back to and currently in Carlsbad, CA Next ---> Costa Rica
  18. 1. Whats your name? Megan 2. How old are you? 31 3. Why did you decide to start jumping out of airplanes? I thought I'd do something "different" for my 30th birthday (other than going out and drinking too much with my friends...which I ended up doing later in the day anyhow). Instant addiction. 4. Are you single or taken? Married? Happily single. 5. Do you have kids? Nope 6. What do you drive? 2001 Ford Explorer 7. Have you ever done a kisspass? No 8. Where do you live? Carlsbad, CA 9. Do you have any pets? I have a brother - does that count? 10. How many jumps do you have? 210 11. What color eyes do you have? Brown 12. What is your nationality? Hungarian/German 13. Have you ever dated someone you met off the internet? I'll plead the 5th. 14. Favorite Movie? It's a Wonderful Life 15. What do you do when you arent skydiving? Work 16. Have you ever BASE jumped? Nope 17. If not... do you want to? No thanks 18. Do you have siblings? 1 brother 19. Where do you want to travel to the most? Greece 20. What's your favorite color? Blue 21. Where was the last place you flew to ( not skydiving )? San Francisco
  19. Awww - girl, that sucks. I feel your pain. I broke my leg right above the ankle joint last April on a landing...I thought it was a bad sprain until I went to the doctor and had an xray...2 screws, 12 weeks with my leg elevated and 5 months without jumping was a major bummer. But look at it this way - getting back up in the air will be that much more exciting once you're all healed up.
  20. I'm not sure if this has been posted here already - if it has, I apologize for the duplicate, if not... On Tuesday, March 23rd there will be a fundraiser at The Tavern in Pacific Beach for Christian Penz, the instructor who was injured in San Diego in November. If you're in the area - please stop by! In addition to having a great time (for a great cause) you'll also be entered in the raffle for some really nice prizes (skydiving gear, apparel, TV, DVD player, etc.) Please see link to the flyer for details or feel free to PM me if you need additional information. Thanks!
  21. Well folks - sorry for the rumor, but it looks like the deal fell through at the last minute, so there's not going to be a sale after all.