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Everything posted by betzilla

  1. we have the CD Rom that relative workshop put out about the skyhook, and there's something pretty similar to your tandem mister bill on it (and you're right -- it was freaky watching it). It looks fun. I've always wanted to do a mister Bill.
  2. wow, that was on your 50th jump!? No, they don't tell you about that. I'd never thought about it, but it makes perfect sense. I had a buddy who landed a biplane a couple years ago, and he didn't mention it. maybe he thought it was his heart pounding. Glad it turned out okay for you!
  3. nice and incompetent, yes. I know tons of them. Generally they only hurt themsleves. This guy sounds like he is "nice" and careless, no negligent, at the cost of others' lives. I guess I just don't have patience for that. But I don't know him personally, so who am I to talk, right?
  4. No no, sorry. I've just heard so many different shady characters described as "nice guys," by all kinds of people who actually ARE nice guys... 'nuf said. If YOU weren't a nice guy you would never have posted on this thread...
  5. thanks for the link. That was good for a laugh. And Michigan State people wonder why they get poked fun at....
  6. I hope I'm never in that situation, BUT, if I had 2 out, and they were flying okay, I wouldn't cut away -- thos released risers could easily snag somthing on my reserve as they rise past it. Now if I had a downplane, that's a different story.... here's a link to PD/PIA's research on what to do when you're flying two:
  7. I know i guy whose Z1, with a pro-track in it, blew off his head early last season on a jump. He was bummed, and bought a new helmet and audible. Then in November a farmer found it in his fioeld and brought it to the DZ. Now the guy has a spare.
  8. Congrats Hooknswoop! I think that means my fiance is a skygod. I don't think hw knows it, and I'm sure as hell not telling him...
  9. Note to self: When people say someone is a "nice guy" even though he's a fuck up, regularly risking other peoples' lives, do not believe them.
  10. Sounds like you have really fast reflexes and really good Karma
  11. Um, if you're right arm's broken, how would you deploy that main that you'll need to cutaway with your right hand, exactly? Also, i think you're lucky you didn't notice your buddy had pulled your handle. If you had gone straight to your reserve, it could easily have entangled with those loose riser ends, flopping around right next to the reserve container. It kind of sounds like you're increasing the odds that you'll be using your reserve, by presenting a cutaway handle that's easily pulled to other jumpers. Me, I want to use my reserve as little as possible.
  12. Hey Adam, don't beat yourself up. After my first winter layoff from jumping, I drove an hour to the DZ, only to drive right by and go back home, not once, but TWICE! The only reason I sucked it up and turned in to the parking lot the third time was because somebody I knew was in the car behind me on the road. And I had 50 jumps at the time. Nerves are a normal part of this great sport. I tell people skydiving is all about "fear management." If you weren't scared in some way, how safe would you be as a jumper? I suspect that, once you get a couple solo jumps under your belt, you'll chill out a little. It was about jump 30 for me where I finally felt like I had my shit together. I was safe before that, but my confidence was low. When you go to your DZ, know that most people there felt the way you do, even if they won't admit it.
  13. They ARE cool. As an instructor, it's the students that AREN'T scared or nervous that freak me out. I recently made my first jump back after nine months out with a broken leg. Iw as VERY nervous, but once i got in the plane I chilled out, and once I was in the air, it was just like riding a bike.
  14. Hi. If you're still in PRCP's, then you're still on the static line. As an SL jumpmaster I would recommend you save yourself the cash and just hit the PRCP's again. Every jumper has nervousness after the winter layoff. But if you've been well taught, and if you've practiced your "Arch, Reach, Pull" sequence, you will still have muscle memory. Practice that sequence on the ground a bunce of times each day, and you'll be great. *of, course, you also want to feel comfortable, so if you WANT to do a tandem first, by all means do it. Every student is different, and you know yourself, and your needs better than anyone else. blue skies!
  15. Congrats on your new canopy! Sorry you didn't have a better beer flight with it, but at least you know now that it will be good to you in imperfect situations! I have friends who have had hornets and loved them. I had a Sabre and was very jealous of them. They're good canopies. Bluer skies next time
  16. I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about... Besides, I'm on YOUR side on this thread! We crazy-non-swooping-enjoying-a-fine-canopy-flown-sensibly-types need to stick together, you know!
  17. That was a great article. I can't believe that operation was able to stay open with all that bad Karma!
  18. Relative workshop make pretty narrow yokes too.
  19. Yeah, What skymedic said...
  20. OK, now we are really getting carried away. Think of a Stiletto as Formula I car? COME ON! We're not talking about a VX 46 here. So we don't agree on whether a 100 jump guy should jump a stiletto 150. That doesn't mean we don't agree on whetehr he should jump a Velocity 84! Byt the way, i can vouch for the fact that Kallend is in fact an "old fart." Sorry Professor, but you left yourself open for that one...
  21. True, someone could cut him off on short final, and he could do a hard toggle turn into the ground. But he could do that on a Sabre, or even a Manta. You need not fly a high performance canopy to quialify yourself to make stupid mistakes, after all.
  22. Well said, John. There are lots of people who like a stiletto better for the way it handles up high. And frankly, it has a more responsive flare, and smaller control range, which generally can allow for better landings, even without a hook turn. Give the kid a break. I think he's making a responsible choice. He wants better performance, not a smaller canopy, and that's what he's going to get.
  23. Very true. I stand corrected. However, you are more likely to break a line on opening, when it's under the heaviest load.
  24. They are so cute, and so cool. Like the guy who posted above (whose name, sadly, I forgot already. sorry!0, I'm expecting a shipment this week. I'm actually thinking about selling my 2001 mindwarp (the last one they made that still looked cool), and getting an Evo.
  25. That's what I was just thinking. So we know it's in trim, because you just got new lines. PD may have sent you a larger slider (if not, that's something you could ask about. But if it's surgin when it reaches full flight, it just might be something you could correct with a different brake setiing. Note: I am NOT a rigger. But I'm angaged to one. Does that count?