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Everything posted by GDnewbies
If your looking for a ride to the party, I know of one shuttle service in the Denver metro area. edit: attachment deleted. ~TA ------------- Here's your sign.......
I'm with peterk. With all of the shit going on in BASE and all right now, i.e. FJC's for never been's, and day blazin's, and the whole "its MY object! Dont be jumpin MY object in MY town" mentality, wouldn't one think that publicly advertising an illegal activity for all to see isn't a really good idea right now? This just screams LOOK AT ME.....LOOK AT ME! Should have used this as a flyer instead..... edit: attachment removed ~TA ------------- Here's your sign.......
It's NUISANCE(S), Mr.Referee. Spellcheck goes a long way. ------------- Here's your sign.......
you should really shut your trap and let the greenies take care of this. go cut and paste somewhere else.... ------------- Here's your sign.......
What do you think belly boy? Maybe I'll let you in on the secret in the door on one of your coach jumps......... I never mentioned anything about cows utters being humorus.....but thanks for the compliment. Edited to add: And who ever said that I was irritated about post offensive material? Someone needs a lesson in reading comprehension pal. Re-read it Buddha. Must watch Southpark to get the NAMBLA humor...but I bet you have a "Kill Your Television" bumpersticker on your car. Or is that a VW bus? ------------- Here's your sign.......
I've have got to say, I've seen some really really lame polls, but this one is close to the top of lameity. Just at a quick glance....the recent threads you created are: 1. What derogatory names to call cops...... 2. Poetry that you like to read on the inside of bathroom stalls............This one particularly is disturbing. 3. Three lame jokes regarding Mexicans and cubans, 3-legged dogs, and references between the likeness of black children and cat shit. 4. Another lame joke post regarding Mexicans and thier poverty level, male chauvinism and house work, 5. Oh boy....more jokes.....this one about bungiee jumping and humping a hooker. Love the creative similarities. 6. A post about a shitty band that sucks so bad they only have 2 songs. Apparently he want to get laid by this lead singer chick. Hey, I hear the lead singer to Heart is single....... 7. Friends that like to paint with thier own blood. 8. Advertisement of a Post Whore comback. Presumably after one of his many bannings. I've got to say, he did get what he was looking for. BlueEyedMonster gave him some most savored homosexual connotations about Blue boobless asexual reproduction. Damn Nancy, get in line....... I've got to say, some seriously stupid posting that seem to go absofuckinglutely nowhere. I would say on an average you get about 3-4 responses. At least boobie threads that eat HH's bandwith are a public service, what the hell is your excuse? ------------- Here's your sign.......
Steve, there may be more to this experience than you've spoken about...... Ask yourself......... 1. Do I have a prejudice against overweight people? 2. Should I be attending an anger manangement class? 3. With as much time as I spend on this site, is my job just as worthless as the overweight person behind me in the post office? 4. Is it possible he was late to work because he was on his lunch break, as I was? 5. Did I secretely think that it wasn't right either, as I'm sure almost everyone thought, I just didn't say anything cause I try to have a little more couth. 6. Do I have the desire to go postal on someone in the post office? 7. Does it make sense to say I am peaceful sort of person that also wanted to bloody a man's nose and bust his kneecaps by fighting dirty, and I get violent when I play sports. Just asking...... ------------- Here's your sign.......
QuoteYou know..........Im not trying to win a fucking race.......or see how many fucking jumps I can get in..... (in a fucking week). I like to skydive when I fucking feel like it. If I have to fucking pay a JM $ 110 every fucking time... I fucking want to jump ....I fucking will!........Your not hurting my feelings by saying all of those remarks about me not jumping . Thats all I fucking have to say. Im not directly focusing my anger on any one person..........Thank your for your reply.Quote I think that your signature should read:\ "The longer you fuck........the more fucking you get." Instead of: The longer you wait ........the more sense you get. Since you seem to have such affection for the word. Heck, thats post is 9% fuck. ------------- Here's your sign.......
Im donating my kidney soon. That will put me out for 6 weeks. The longer you wait ........the more sense you get. Damn.....its gonna be a while. ------------- Here's your sign.......