Nicholas Broughton

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Everything posted by Nicholas Broughton

  1. Consider me in this camp as well. I agree with this 100% G.
  2. It’s my understanding that Lyle was doing aerial surveillance/photography for the CIA on that leg of the trip. According to one of the news articles that came out in the local paper, Vic had an embassy rep show up as soon as he got to the hospital. That to me is very telling he was CIA. Here is testimony from somebody that saw Lyle in Honduras the night before the crash. He was supposed to be on the plane but overslept… but notice how he refers to them as contractors.
  3. Yes that’s the page I was referring to, good find fly. Interesting about the plane registration. Lyle told his good friend John Fairbanks that he had purchased the 180. Here is that correspondence and a picture of Vic in the plane (Cessna 180) with with him.
  4. I’ve spoken to his son Lyle Jr and his granddaughter Amber extensively. His death is it’s own mystery I’ve went down the rabbit hole on. They believe and I tend to agree with them after conducting my own research into LC’s crash in Honduras that the CIA took him out. I reached out to the lone survivor of the crash Victor Vinson aka Cajun Vic who somehow thought to take his seatbelt off as the plane was going down which allowed him to be ejected out miraculously saving his life. I found it really interesting that the day after we spoke on the phone the page on his website for his name brand chain of Cajun food trucks that detailed his entire story of the crash was removed from the site. Here is Vic undergoing jump training with Lyle earlier on in that trip they took to Honduras.
  5. It’s been a crash course in metallurgy to say the least!
  6. Well if the pocket is labeled like that then it’s self explanatory and it would make sense to remove the paperwork that ID’s the chute. If he had parachute experience why not bring his own rig? Why use laymen terminology like front and back chutes instead of mains and reserves? Why not specify the type of rigs? Those are things I would expect from somebody with a parachutist background… there picky and selective about what they jump with.
  7. You can’t assume cooper was looking for packing cards to check them for parachuting purposes. He could of been checking the pockets for trackers and found the packing card and decided to take it out as it could be used to identify the chute.
  8. Tina described the red sticks as being six inches long which is not consistent with road flares.
  9. The sheer amount of Ti metal found on the stubs combined with all those particles of Ti-Pd and the TiSb are all very strong indicators of specialty metals R&D work. Tom agrees this is the kitty pool cooper was swimming in. I’ve looked at individuals who would be wearing ties from all the players involved in this industry: RMI, Batelle Memorial Institute, TIMET, Dupont, Crucible, Wa Chang, Bureau of Mines, ect. and there is only one individual that I’ve come across that sticks out as fitting the cooper physical profile the personality profile and the tie profile. This person who I refer to as the unicorn is Milton Bernard Vordahl.
  10. Brass, copper, lead, and an element soup associated with gunshot residue all show up on the tie.
  11. He talks about it here forget the time stamp it’s been a minute.
  12. It’s worth disproving, but I don’t personally think flame retardants are a probable explanation. Too much Ti, not enough Sb. No one is or was using “salt” as a fire retardant (but you can use it to extinguish metal fires) Having a control sample for the tie is great so thanks for sending that to TK Fly.
  13. The FBI speculates Italian descent here on top Indian and Mexican.
  14. According to key witness Bill Mitchell he’s got the facial features. I’ll roll with that over fly’s interpretation of the witness descriptions. He actually attentively laid eyes on the guy!
  15. Gregory didn't even get Tina's hair color right. His 302 says a dark haired stew sat with Coop the whole time. The fbi did more then suggest looking into Mexican connections they actually did and came up with nothing. There weren’t that many Mexicans affiliated with skydiving, paratrooping, piloting, Air America/ SAT, Boeing, Ect and I have yet to run into any In the specialty metals industry. I think if cooper was Mexican he would of got on somebodies radar because like you said it’s one of the things that they were looking for. How do we know Gregory didn’t watch a movie with Kieth Larson in the days before who was a Norwegian actor that played Native Americans and that was his reference for how Native Americans look?
  16. No your opinion is that he doesn’t, I can see given his facial features and complexion how he could of easily been confused for a Latin/Mexican, Italian, Native American, or Mediterranean. All which were used in the files. If you asked me to guess Vordahls ethnicity I would of guessed one of the above.
  17. Here is a picture of the Latin skydivers club who the fbi looked into almost immediately after NORJAK. You can’t look at any one of these guys and peg them as a latino with any confidence. The big guy in the middle is a doppelgänger for one of my good friends who is full Italian with the last name Depasquale
  18. Agreed. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone because I agree with everything you’re saying today.
  19. Newly found photos of N467US from a new article that was published today.
  20. That’s correct. Milton left her in the forties for their daughters 18 year old babysitter.
  21. Appreciate the concern but we got it covered. I have a real sharp metallurgist out of Albany OR who I’ve been working with to do just that. Interesting thing is he independently arrived at milton and when I told him he’s like yeah that’s who I’ve been looking at too. We have a pretty good idea of what’s what on the EDS but it’s not an exact science…it’s really easy to misinterpret things if you don’t have images. The great thing for us is Tom is armed with this new scope so we’ll know by looking at it if it is what it reads on the analysis. Tom did some cursory work right after the McCrone test and identified some of the anomaly particles as well but that was with a much older scope then what he has now. The clarity and vision with his new scope is like night and day he says. Tom seemed pretty excited about the prospects. Let’s test it and see what it tells us you can never have enough information. Hey if it turns out that there’s a bunch of particles on his badge that don’t match any of the stubs taken from the tie well then maybe it’s time to reevaluate. Thanks for the advice but I’ll continue to work under the tutelage of metallurgists and scientists they’ll know best what controls are required not some two bit musician.