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Everything posted by monkey1031
Read some of the other stuff on that guy's site. He reminds me of Maddox, but in a way, even more funny...
some of us like beer. specifically: Becks Heinekin Grolsh Newcastle some of us like whiskey. specifically: Knob Creek Crown Royal some of us like gin. specifically: Bombay Saphire. err... wait. That's what I like.
how much does it weigh? What is the value? Which province are you shipping to? You'll have to pay duties/taxes and denpending on which province you live in, you'll have to pay a percentage of the taxes, ON TOP of the GST. You could try Triad, or Mendelshon (sp?). Both are o.k. - otherwise... Just FedEx it... usually it's cheaper (You are not a known shipper, so many commercial airlines cannot take it, thus, FedEx is cheaper as there are no passengers).
The ONLY reason to drink and Drive is the you are an F'TARD. How can there be any other reason. (I'm not talking about 2 beers and driving home) Squeak Flying Hellfish #407 Have a nice day, unless of course, you've made other plans" "My Life Rocks, How's Yours' Going" I was reading all the posts, specifically the one cut & pasted above. I KNOW there is no good reason to do it. I'm not looking for a GOOD REASON. Simply put, Don't drink and drive. But if you do, with regard to the reasons provided, which one is YOUR reason. SMD7
F'ing Tard. Cuz it's a challange. Blah blah blah... You are all the funniest people in the world. I actually need your help here. Not a bunch of smart assed comments. Or, nevermind, don't reply. SMD7
Jason... A. Who the FU(K was that funneling Kat-Man? B. What the FU(K was up with that opening?? That's some funny $hit. - SMD7
Dinking & Driving... Sorry. But that was funny.
O.k. Let's assume then that there are. I'm trying to narrow this down to "a major city" mentality... Not trying to k-bosh answers... sorry.
This is not a duscussion of whether it's right or wrong.... Just a question of WHY. Thanks. SMD7
What about for a motorcycle, is that enough pressure?
What makes stop lights turn green? I know they have the metal strips in the road, but what makes those work? Sorry, I sat at a light way to long trying to make it turn green and it got me to thinkin'.
i'm made of steel. our crew is made of steel. it could never happen to me or us. i've been jumping in some way or another for twenty years, 9 of those with parachutes. no injury, no problem.... every building, every tower, every everything that has an exit, i evaluate. it consumes every part of my being. and all i want now is to figure out how to quit. there is no drug strong enough to make me forget wind chills of -50 degrees and looking over at my buddies laughing as they're trying to warm their hands up so that they can pull, all the while hanging off a tower at a thousand feet. the problem is, now one of those buddies is a memory. the problem is, now i've got to think about the next one. the problem is, now my girlfriend has to think about me. do i think you should go to norway. yes. get drunk with the locals. make out with some hottie. swim in the fjords. just don't jump. no one should take up this sport. start smoking crack. it's safer, cheaper and from what i've learned, far more socially acceptable. broken bones. blood. death. worse yet, paralized (sorry Russell, no offence). Avery, how many have you known? Nick... what about you? Johnny? Jeb? Marta? Jimmy? c'mon... i'm fu(king sick and tired of the newbies. you wanna jump? ground crew for a year. or two.... take a riggers course. take diving lessons. learn how your body works in dead air... do it the way the old guys did. i didn't, but should've. i cheated myself out of something. and the first guy i taught..... now he's dead. i'm not made of steel. our crew isn't made of steel. and yes, it happend to one of us. #85 on nick's list. the guy on the right. goodluck in your quest. smd7
dammit. i spaced it Avery.... I'm gonna see him (the Wizard that is) on Saturday night,and I'll get you address & a cell #. I'll get it to you on Sunday. over n' out. - Spacemonkey Danger 7
Best Buy sells crappy turntables. www.needledoctor.com now, for the extra thirty G's.
I'll take them. I've been collecting (much to my girlfriend's dismay) for a handful of years now. I'll make the same deal with you that I make with anyone who gives me an album... If You'd like me to burn any to disc, I'm more than happy to do so, that way if there's any music in there that you'd like to have in your collection, you don't have to go out and "re-buy" it. I need to get a new needle for my turntable ($125.00 bucks) and I'm between jobs for about another two weeks so I wouldn't be able to do so for another month. But please, don't toss them. I found a stack of albums in the garbage last summer, pulled out the one's that were still playable and low and behold, in that stack I found a version of "Peter & the Wolf".... Narrated by Alec Guinness. PM me if you'd like to set something up. I used to work in transportation and can get the shipping down to darn near zippo.
The mask.. The one the "Phantom" wears.... Is it the "half mask" or the "full mask"? Never seen the show, or the movie, but for my job I've got to "build" a 12 foot model. Awww cripes. thanks.
trambampolines are funny. boing. boing. boing. boing... huckity flip-flip... tee hee.
Morphine! forgot about that one....
no. you're not stupid. check out www.homestarrunner.com and click on "puppet thing". at work, i used to pump that $hit over the loudspeakers into our wharehouse for the dock crew.
It's BUTT heads. Not "but" heads. umm... yeah.
Nick Tragically Hip - "Grace Too" or, "Don't wake daddy". I'll burn 'em, send 'em and play lead, but I'm not singin'. later, -spacemonkey danger seven.
Lysol isn't good enough. When I worked in offices (up until a week ago) I'd fill a spray bottle with 70% Rubbing Alcohol and 30% water and keep it on my desk. Walk into office. Take off coat. Spray EVERYTHING and wipe it. Phone mouse keyboard drawer handles EVERYTHING!!!! Then about twice a day, I'd spray down a couple paper towels, and when I'd make faxes, or copies, I'd wipe down that stuff too. http://www.careerjournal.com/myc/officelife/20020531-cubicle.html icky.
nine hours thirteen minutes. most excelent.