I went through both courses. Actually, I've done some of everything. My first jump was a tandem. My next 7 jumps were static line, where I did all of my PRCPs and then the guys decided they wanted me to go through the AFF course instead. This was nearly five years ago now and I know the rules and such have changed a bit since then, but I like AFF so much better. I always had someone in the air with me to tell me exactly what I was doing wrong or right. I also had video, but then again I had video from my first jump on until I had my license ( goes with being the dz's little girl)
As far as the financial part of it goes, I don't know which way would be more expensive, it depends on the person. I had to repeat my level 3 a couple of times. I don't know if I had gone with the static line if I would have to repeat more of my jumps or not.
I don't think it would hurt to have a couple of statics.