Peronne !
At Aérodrome de Péronne Saint-Quentin
4000m, will be open the 08 Aug (if weather is ok, of course), Cesna supervan, 28 euro the plane ticket, 10 for rig renting, 6 for pack ticket
They have rental rig from 170 to 260. Beware french regulations regarding main canopy size if you come with your rig : https://www.ffp.asso.fr/tailledevoile/
put your naked weight in kilo, your jumps number and discover the minimum main canopy size. you could get 11% less if DZO accept it (flight 1 courses by example). Some people, including the DZO, speak english. If your profile is accurate, 3000 jumps and 170 canopy is ok
1h30 drive from paris. Easy highway drive
There is a facebook page where you may ask for more info