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  1. Stick with it man. I am going through the AFF program. I have been in the Marine Corps Reserve for almost 6 years. I have had problems with my back ever since a motorcycle accident last year and Monday I got some MRI's read and found out that a section of my lower back shows degeneration commonly seen in someone over twice my age (I am 25). I get pains sometimes but I will am going to stick it out and get my license. Sorry if this makes no sense :) I went out with friends today to celebrate my anniversary and I am a bit..oh how do you say..tanked :) Get a 2nd opinion and stick with it if you can! Good luck! Josh
  2. As a current Marine, let me tell you that you did the right thing. Sometimes young Marines come back from bootcamp thinking they are the ****, and forget that there is always someone bigger than you on the block. You did the right thing. He needs to learn a lesson and this "Marine" sounds like he has a lojng career ahead of him. Trust me when I say he will have ALOT of explaining to do with his new CO while at his MOS school and being arrested in LIBO is one of the worst things you can do. Sounds like he deserved it, and you did the right thing. No worries, he wasn't acting like a Marine at all. What an embarrasment. He won't get a court martial in all honesty..but will most likely happen is he will be a PVT at the minimum, and oh my god will he get lots and lots of extra work to do for a LONG TIME. Josh
  3. Oh man. I hate St Patricks day. I went to Ireland a year or so ago so every time this holiday comes around, I miss Ireland. May the Guiness flow like water! Josh
  4. I don't know how they do it where you live but here if its your first ticket, you can be very respectful of the Judge and ask if there is any way you can go to driving school or some program like that? If you are young (in school) explain to him that you are saving for school and your insurance going up will really hurt you and you will not speed again blah blah blah. You get the idea. Here (Alabama) its almost a shoe in that you can get your first ticket thrown out. Josh
  5. I won't even pretend to be unbiased. I was a Deputy Sheriff for my home county for 2 years. I decided long ago that Marijuana makes people do REALLY stupid stuff. Nothing I can prove, but people on that stuff tend to do some amazingly dumb stuff which ='s BAD news at a DZ. How did I come to this assumption you ask? My first week out of the academy, I was walking behind the jail at Downtown Birmingham and I was about to cross an intersection to get into my pov when I look into a car [email]as I am passing to see a guy and girl hitting on a pipe. OMG. Can this be happening? 30 feet from the jail door? Sure enough, they were stoned out of their mind and I decided then and there the shit was definatly bad. I think drinking alcohol while anyone is still going up in the air is reckless too. Maybe its because I am new to this, but I feel like I have to be on my toes out at the DZ. So many different ways to hurt myself or worse another jumper or spectator. You want to smoke pot at your house. More power to you. You want to smoke pot or do other illegal drugs at a DZ? God help you if I see you b]\c I am going to jerk your ass out of the car so fast and make sure you got to jail. Maybe I am a prick, but to me illegal is illegal. Josh
  6. What happens when someone goes to their car, gets high on something, and ends up killing someone on the way down b\c their judgement is impaired? "Well, atleast we didn't bust him for illegal drugs."???? I admit, I didn't have the energy to read every single previous page so if its been brought up I am sorry :) It seems like a DZ would be one of the last places drugs should be. Seems like adding a big jug of gasoline to an already hot fire. If its been said, just ignore my ass :) Josh
  7. I definatly plan on getting her into the air. I am going to wait until I get my license though. I need to concentrate on what I am doing and get some more experience before I go to the DZ worrying about her :) Josh
  8. Yeah, my wife is great. She supports everything I do. She also got me my 2nd jump for our 3 year anniv :). Couldn't ask for much better! She wants to come and maybe do a tandem but I asked her to hold off until I get through the basic AFF course. I have enough to stress about without thinking of her being there :). Josh
  9. Hello all. I started Skydiving a little over a month ago. I am in the Marine Reserve and tried everything in the book to get the military to send me to Jumpschool but unfortunatly the budget makes the decisions :). I read alot about skydiving and found a DZ near me. My wife suprised me and got me my first AFF jump for Christmas. I waited about 2 months before I cashed it in. I now have 3 jumps and I am about to jump for level 4 in the next few weeks. Just wanted to drop in and say hey. There is an amazing amount of information on this site. Josh