i did up to my first freefall via the static line route about 10 years ago, so enough experience to know that i enjoyed skydiving, but that's where it ends.
I've wanted to fly for many years, and over the last 15 years i've tried fixed / rotary, sailplane hangliding and paragliding, but none of them seemed like real flight. when i say tried, i have solod each of the above and spent a summer tug flying for a glider club.
I saw a film a couple of years ago with some vid of (i think adrian nicholas) doing w/s from that famous cliff in southern Norway and knew instantly that this was something that i had to try. 2 years from then and the desire hasn't gone away, it's time to get out there and prepare.
Timeframe wise i'm thinking of next year and i reckon 6 months pretty much dedicated to the project.
MH, w/s plan duly dropped, was a kinda half hearted addition to the initial plan anyway.