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Everything posted by PurpleBadger

  1. If you like the idea of going abroad, and want to work through the bpa system, you could try Z-hills in florida. I beleave that they have BPA instructors and it is a pretty cool DZ. http://www.skydivecity.com
  2. ditto... but we ain't really paying since it's deducted straight from our paychecks
  3. They ain't bought it yet, but they did buy a wind tunnel to keep us all excited till they do
  4. I take it your talking about the clip where Greg Gasson jumps out doing a two way with Scott Smith without wearing his rig. I thought that he had adapted the rig so that he was attached via wire to make sure he didn't lose it. Then disconnected it to climb around and do the stuff that he did.
  5. Whats wrong with the list that is here on DZ.com
  6. I feel deprived... I'm gonna find me some near death experiences today so I can fit in Is there any limit as to how many you can have in one day?
  7. Melatonin puts just puts me into a strange trance, my eye's are closed and my body is totally relaxed, but my mind is racing and i'm totally aware of everything that's happening round me. I find a 'to do' list helps sometimes depending on what is making me not sleep.
  8. clicky www.robharrisboogie.com www.robharris.org let's hope LOADS of people go
  9. Cornwall might have been good, but it shut down earlier this year
  10. Emphasis this... 82p a litre @ 3.79litres per gallon = £3.11 Current £ to $ exchange makes it $5.17 PER GALLON!!! in the UK
  11. I had multiple packjobs under my belt before I even began AFF, but in short AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!! Just make sure that you learn off someone who is a good teacher. There is a difference between just packing and packing with the knowledge that you know why your doing each step. Most important... think about all those jump tickets that are wasted cos your $$$ is going to the packers!!!
  12. If you look at the wings container the Main Pin protection is the same as the mirage, and the reserve pin protection is the same as the Javalin. Both pretty good BTW I don't have a wings to counter the fact that skydivers tend to recommend the rig that they jump, but if I bought a container that would be it. I depend upon what fits you best though, different people prefer different rigs. The only hard opening I've ever had on my Sabre2 was on a BM Jump when I deployed whilst still speeding forward pretty fast. Although as mentioned, try to demo the canopies! Disclaimer: This is my opinions... you and other might (and probably do) think differently!!!
  13. Just remember that if you want to get a javalin then there is something like a 26 week delivery time... you could try looking at wings, they have a much shorter delivery time, rather less expensive and are also pretty nice. I personally like the Sabre2, there is a lot of performance that you can squeeze out of them as you become a more capable canopy pilot, whilst being quite forgiving. Edit to add: Forgot the Speak to you instructors about canopy choice they'll give advice best suited to how you fly, also contact Pd and get a demo canopy sent to you to see if you really do want to get the Sabre2.
  14. Just consider it supplying plenty of coaching points for them to give you. Though it does kinda suck if you fork out loads of $$$ for a jump then blow it.
  15. If it was peer pressure that lead me into doing my first BM jumps this w/end, then i'm proud to be Weak I also get the impression the becoming 'focused' is not just bad... it's just standard. I've been searching down the back of the couch for any coins that I might have missed last time i looked, darn, nothing was there. Need new way to get money for a suit .
  16. Here's all the detail on their contact page: BirdMan, Inc. 1665 Lexington Ave. Suite 103 DeLand, FL 32724 USA Tel +1 386 785 0800 Fax +1 386 785 0080 Cell +1 386 383 4088 Jari Kuosma President jari@bird-man.com Robert Pecnik Design Manager robert@bird-man.com Asaf General Manager asaf@bird-man.com
  17. I'll second the Jagermeister suggestion , there's always Absynth if the cold gets REAL bad
  18. I think I'd prefer blond swedish twins, personal preference and you don't need a bigger door, you just need to snuggle closer
  19. errr, it's only Wednesday guys and this sounds like a friday afternoon thread, I think you all need some DZ therapy before the w/end otherwise you might do something stupid But on the subject of Cypres...
  20. a couple of guys have... he only came 3rd in Mondial . Hopefully the Rob Harris Boogie next easter helps bring a few people towards trying SkySurf out.
  21. yup... i fall asleep whilst Sitting in lectures all the time. Never whilst standing on my head though
  22. A little more material that might be worth a look: http://www.bpa.org.uk/canopyhandling.htm unfortunatly these are new and i just found them this evening & due to a firewall can't load up the documents. If people think they're good give a shout out. won't say anything else on canopy stuff since there are others kinda more qualified here
  23. Maybe the easy thing would be to send the idea to them? they might even give you something for it... i'm sure lots of those people with kids would buy one