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Everything posted by PerFlare
I vote Yes. I agree with Yuri that it is up to you to decide if you like to use the service or not. Personally I jump packjobs made by my team mates, my students and most experienced people ... they being alive is a good empirical way to make sure that at least up to that point in time their packjobs seems to work fine. And my heading performance are pretty random from bad body position anyway so that does not worry me more then usually ;) So if Tom ask me on the exit point, can I test your rig? The answer would most likely be "by all means" ... but then if Yuri ask the same and you know the party was good the night before and you have a vague memory of seeing Yuri pack his rig after the pub closed the answer would probably be ... "Sure" because you do not like to admit that you are scared ;) PerFlare
Hey bro! Funny, I will arrive in Stockholm on the 18th of July too, the 18th is a Sunday so I do not know if someone is going up to Gryttjom then. I will check this out for you and we will work it out. Me and my boys planing on be back from our yearly roadtrip to the great walls of Europe that sunday. So if we can not find a ride for you up to Gryttjom that Sunday you can stay at my place and then we will get you up to Gryttjom on Monday. It will be super fun! PerFlare
Hello, I do not know about John Arne yet but I am pretty sure he will be there and Hans will be there I am sure to take some pictures and video. 100% of the Swedish BASE Team will be there, Mikael (Mika), PerFlare, Martin and Patrik. It will be a riot! PerFlare
Hey, Yes I will be at the Hercules and so are the rest of my Team :) I am sure it will be allot of us there :) It will be super fun. PerFlare
Hello, It was a long time since I have seen that video ... stills give me the shaky hands :) I started up in Luleå but have jumped in Stockholms skydiving club for the last 2-3 years. In my team all four of us are birdmen and there are quite allot of wingsuits fliers in Stockholm. Maybe we get a opportunity to fly together some day :) This reservride was on a DZ between Umeå and Stockholm in Söderhamn :) PerFlare
Hey Tom, Yes I do remember you showing me your wingsuit. That was when I just started base jumping :) Sometimes it feels like a long time ago, funny thing are that I do remember it very clearly. Love to hear about your family that's great, I do hope we will meet again and share a exit or just have a few pints! Have the best of times! PerFlare
Hi Yuri, Thanks for writing this. Please excuse my poor English It is almost 100% as I feel and have felt. Currently I am in stage in my life were I are changing things. One example is that in two years time I will travel sometimes without having a baserig(s) with me and I will actually be traveling to places with another purpose then to jump. I have adjusted my life to get a total focus on jumping I choose not to have a active social life or a steady girlfriend or other things that took time and focus away from jumping. With a total commitment you will do allot of jumps and you will end up being trapped. When I started base jumping I really thought very hard on the consequences and the most likely price I would have to pay for the type of jumping I dreamed of doing. I felt at ease with the consequence that this is an adventure that I probably not will survive. One thing I did underestimate was that the emotional impact of losing friends in a fast rate, losing friends are always hard and it happened to me even before I did start jumping, but when it seems like there are people dying all around you it really starts to wear you down. To see a friend die or to try to help someone who are severely injured or just hang around keeping them company waiting for the SAR Heli listen to them begin for water that you can not give them it is not a super nice experience. I am just back jumping after some injuries and as always it is good to be back :) but I do try to adjust back to be able to enjoy more social accepted activities. The first thing for me is to cut back on jumping so I get time to do other things, those +300/year are over. I believe in balance and that you feel allot better if you achieve it. There are other things in life that are fun and rewarding. I have not found anything to substitute basejumping, I do not believe I will either, and I will not stop jumping I just will free up some time to do other things as well. For over a decade I have been living my dream to travel and to jump. I have not been satisfied to be at home and have only been there to work and get more money to travel or get more rigs and other jump gear. It started a little bit earlier but pretty much became really noticeable after Lukas died. I noticed that I started to appreciate strange things like … well being alive :) I do not longer, at least I try not too, push my jumping to the edge of being absurd. Anyway, to answer your questions ;) “How do you deal with your everyday life?” I appreciate that I have been blessed to have a life that enables me to for fill my dreams. I will work hard to keep it that way. “Is there anything that fills it as much as BASE did?” I have not found any thing that does but people tell me that having a family and kids are quite a ride. “Anything that is as intense and brings as much joy?” No, at least I have not discover it yet … my guess that you can at least pass the time with Girls, Whiskey, Beer, Drugs and riding a Harley Davidson ;) not necessarily in that order. “… did you manage to recalibrate your scale and find a happy balance?” Have not managed that yet but I am still a rookie in this area :) PerFlare
Hey Scary and Mojoman! Yes, we will be there and I do belive master Robi will be there to. It is going to be a riot! PerFlare
Michael, No it is not. PerFlare
Kevin, That’s true. I can’t do much about it so I have to live (or die) with it. I have to adjust to it and doing so one thing is not to use the multi. No, it should not but in the real world it does for allot of people. That does not apply for me because I did get the multi but I do not use it anymore. That’s why we have this constructive discussion. So you are sure that center cell stripping is as bad as I look? There are few things in this world I am sure about … center cell stripping is not one of them.
Kevin, If you do not mind let's try to keep the discussion on the multi and if the benefits and disadvantages of using it. I do agree (most do) that there are allot of factors involved in a canopy deploying. On the other hand I do believe some factors are more dominant then others like body position.
Mac, Kevin I have three canopies, one of them is equipped with a multi attachment point but I do not use it anymore. I did +200 jumps on that canopy with the multi bridle on. I took the multi bridle away and the last +200 jumps on it I think the canopy performs better. No the numbers do not lie ... but sometimes the interpretation of what the numbers are saying are up to debate. I do not say that you are wrong Kevin, I just do not come to the same conclusion as you. It is fantastic to have done 700 jumps and have no worse then a 90 degree off heading. I wish I could say the same :) I have maybe four 180’s per 100 jumps (if not more) and I have allot of 45’s. Do you think the multi are the main reason for your on headings, or do you think your body position and the way you deploy tour PC are having a greater affect? It sounds like you have a perfect natural body position with excellent balance. I think that are the main reason that you on heading frequency are that good. My body position is far from perfect and that are the main reasons for my off headings not the multi. One thing the multi does (at least for me) is that it makes the canopy more sensitive if I am not leveled during extraction and it makes the off heading more violent. I do jump pretty often in cross wind and I think the multi are making the canopy more sensitive. One thing I do like about it is the fact that it supports you tail pocket. If I had better body position maybe I would love it to. If I was one of those who freefall ultra low I would use it to but I am not so for me the multi have more cons then pros. But then again … this is just my opinion and that’s just an opinion … PerFlare
Hi Lou, Some years ago I flew the "pre-crossbow". I got it from Zunni as well. I like the suit but if you see some of the old ones there are some safety modifications (or at least some things to think about) the owner of the suit might like to ad to it. If you, or some one else, like someone who owns the suit like to discuss it feel free to e-mail me. My e-mail is found on PerFlare
James, I agree with Robi. But as I see it is two kinds of linetwists. One type induced by the canopy and one induced by your body. The type induced by your canopy are often pack or rigging oriented, like how you pack or place your packjob or attach you PC. The type induced by your body are usually un-symmetrical pull sequence, dipped shoulders or that you are not keeping you heading throughout your deployment. Hope this helps. As for what I do at pull time ... usually I hope for the best. PerFlare
Easy ... take a rookie with you. Tell him that the objects have been jumped. On the exit point you tell him that it is custom to have the guy never jumped the object to go first. If he hesitates you tell him about how important it is with tradition. If he still hesitates you accuse him of being chicken and for me to have any respect for him ever again he should go stowed. The when he jumps you lean forward and see if the object are doable. If it is, you give him shit for something that does not matter anyway and make him feel bad about his hesitation on the exitpoint. If it not … PerFlare
Hi, I have some rules of thumb I use for this. Slider up, stowed. Slider down, handheld if it is possible. If the exit point do not allow you to go handheld I go stowed. I do not go stowed low with big PC's for the same reasons Tom A mention. Some times I just go stowed for the hell of it. And there are other variables to but ... PerFlare
Hi Obi, I am sorry but I do not understand. New information about what happen that day? In that case, no I do not. PerFlare
Joboulay, 14 way flocking are big and quite an accomplishment if you can hold it tight. I do not know your (or this forums) definition of flocking. So please forgive me if I understand this wrong. If you by flocking mean that you exit in one group and play together? If so, bigger flocks have been done. I just say Swedish Hercules Boogie. PerFlare
About quotes ... this quote is in my written instruction (use it for my students so I do not forget to tell them anything) "It is up to each individual to decide how many times they want to roll the dice and see if they can getaway with it, but it is only a matter of time. The house always wins …" PerFlare Team Bautasten
Thanks Karin, Yes the Teddy Bear in the tree was a gift from me and Lukas to Tom and DDog :) Actually DDog made us promise ;) I will stand there again in a month. It will be fun to fly with Lukas once again. PerFlare
Dwain, I tried to e-mail you, I seems like the address did not work. I used the boomvang address. Can you please contact me. My mail is "base at" Thanks! PerFlare
Tom, Congratulation on your accomplishment. Going past a thousand jumps and still breathing are impressive. Have fun playing! PerFlare Team Bautasten
I assumed that we where talking about basejumping with wingsuits. In that case collapsing the wings for a longer period of time prior to pulling makes no sence. Flareing your suit increase the burble behind the suit and the risk that your PC ends up behind you goes up. Getting your PC in the burble are super scary at best and sometimes things do not work out for the best ... PerFlare Team Bautasten