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yeah what he said!
Yep! I'm not giving up, we are going away for the weekend and when we get back I am going down there and jump again if I have to drag myself to the door and throw myself out (I am sure my instructor will be glad to do that for me)
Trust me that I do and will always listen to my JM's they know what they are doing, I do use the advice in these forums to know what I want to ask them about.(I usually show up with a list of questions ) I am after all trusting them to show me how to keep myself alive, best to listen to them
Thats something to think about because I would probably have cut away hoping that it would pull free. maybe I need to study up on this particular mal a bit more.
thanks I will do that, if I can't have one on student status I will get one as soon as I am off it. I am usually level headed in an emergency(which is why I don't understand why this dream bothers me so much) and don't think I would go chop happy but it does sound like a good idea to have one.
yes, I have heard of them but no one has said a thing to me about them. I certainly have never been told to get one or carry one.
I would ask about it because I am so new right now I would want to know if prehaps I had things wrong but I would let the person know that I am new and just trying to 'figure things out'. I do realize that some procedures are really only ment for students and novices, as you become better you may do things differently.
Hook Knife? should I have one? No one has mentioned it to me.
Good to know that other skydivers deal with this also. Tommrow morning I am going to jump nerves or not, I feel I HAVE to or be haunted by this thing, never jumping again just isn't an option.
You can't read too much about malfunctions, unless youre reading about them in a non productive manner. OK, I probably gave you more information than you were looking for. I'm only a novice skydiver, I hope I help. are you kidding you can never give me too much info all help is greatly appreciated
I am going through my AFF course and am at level 5. Over the last week I have had two really bad nightmares, well really only one but I had it twice. I dream I am in freefall and go to throw my chute and it gets caught on my ankle. I try to shake it lose and nothing. I try to pull it free with my hand and only tumble around making it worse, finally I hit my cutaway and reserve but the main is there to stay and the reserve gets tangled up. I see the ground rushing up at me, then I am on the DZ watching what I know is me bounce. both times it was so real I just knew it was really happening. I have tried to go do my level 5 three times now and can't go through with it...yet I know I have to. Has anyone else had a simular experience and maybe some advice? My husband tends to think I am reading too much about malfunctions.
Hi, I am a newbie too still going through my AFF training, If your ever in Georgia stop by ASC and say Hi, I am Deborah, (soon to be named Boom Boom if I dont learn to land standing up!)
Yes skydiving is addictive, but one of the coolest addictions you can have and dont sweat the nerves, I am going on level 5 AFF and I am nervous every time just a little less so each time. ***"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain
Hi there! Welcome to the forums and to skydiving. Hope to see you around. ***"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain
Welcome to the forum, and yes skydiving is quite addictive I have found that out myself only recently still being a student (on level 5 AFF) but what better way is there to spend your money or your time? So far I have found nothing that compares to the thrill of freefalling, of course I am sure it will be even more fun when I really learn to fly!