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Everything posted by Tweaked

  1. Relative Work is a term used widely in the UK, and yes, it has been around a lot longer than the term FS...however, 'officially' we now use the term FS. Sounds like you do too. I think RW sounds a bit 1970's, but that's just my humble opinion. I mean, don't even freefliers try to 'work' relative to one another? FS is a more accurate term and, I think, brings the sport more into the 21st century. RW makes me think of white jumpsuits without booties, with pink and blue grips...LOL. Cheers anyway :p
  2. Thanks a lot guys...What is the Bottem End sequence and what are cat. C/D-2 skydives? Think the UK terminology must be different... Cheers TWKD
  3. Just remember the four A's: Attitude Availability Affluence Ability I think similar goals is probably the most important, but don't pussy-foot around the $$$$ issue; it can cause nightmares later on down the line if someone's idea of what is meant by 'spend a shitload on 4way' is not the same as someone else's... Good luck, hope it works out :) TWKD
  4. Heheh..glad it worked out...I also have a brand new Pitt Special with booties and I flew like a retard for the first two skydives...Up/ Down/ Up/ Down/ Backwards/ Sideways oops shite sorry was that your burble? It always takes a little time to get used to the new bitchin suit ...But damn, they are HOT suits! Now, did you get the Airspeed or the XL booties???? Have fun, and if you have much more trouble, make your floatie friends wear LEAD! ;) TWKD ps - oh yeah, if you have the mega booties, by turning your heels slightly in and knees slightly out, you create theses kind of SAILS and get a great lift off that alone, certainly enough to compensate in a jiffy for going a little low!
  5. Is it just in the Uk where we've ditched the term 'Relative Work' in favour of Formation Skydiving? (Ie FS) I mean, Relative WORK just sounds so damn DULL! Work work work work work...phew! But I guess Sangiro is up on this stuff, so 'Work' it is.....
  6. Hi there, Can anyone help me with some information on obtaining an AFF rating in the US? I am a UK based jumper but I'd prefer to get USPA rated for a number of reasons. Anyone with any info on where I can find out details of what's involved in doing the rating, useful preparatory work, publications which may be of help etc., I would really appreciate your help. What to expect on the actual course would also be great from someone who's recently obtained the rating. Cheers all, Tweaked