Choppy Wind
The hold that iFly has is why I was looking into other tunnels, like LuxFly. It looks like LuxFly uses TunnelTech as their "Tunnel Provider", just don't know too much about them and how they compare to Skyventure's tunnel.
Diffusing Flight Chamber
Interesting, didn't even think of that, is this for safety or a holdover from "older" designs (if you know)
Yeah from what @dolphinka said, I agree the middle of the road is what looks right to me too
Wind Limitation
Good point, while I'm not the heaviest of a person, I'm not the lightest of them either... I'd hate to spend all my tunnel time on the net. Is there somewhere that compares their speeds or are most companies the same (like all iFly tunnels "newer ones" the same limits?)
Who's the maker of the tunnel near you? (So I can compare to what's around me)
Thank you for your reply!