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Everything posted by Blue11

  1. I was thinking about you and Susan today Paul..... wondering how you guys were doing, it made me smile to see your comment here. I miss him too, I'd love to hear his voice right about now.... take care of yourselves! Hugs.... B P.M.S. #133
  2. Here's a great picture of Egon that was taken in South Africa. Beth P.M.S. #133
  3. Here's a great picture of Egon that was taken in South Africa. Beth P.M.S. #133
  4. Happy Birthday Katie!!!!!!!!! I'm so psyched that I get to see you and Shannon this weekend....counting the hours xoxo, Beth P.M.S. #133
  5. We love you Beth. Of course I mean it! Whenever you, Katie and Conner want to pop down, I am minutes away from Mickey Mouse and...the tunnel .... Take care of eachother!!! P.M.S. #133
  6. Shannon, Thank you so much for sharing sweetie....I wish I could have been there! If you or Katie need anything, even if it is just a trip away to Florida, please, please, please, do not hesitate to call..... xoxo, Beth P.M.S. #133