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  1. Hummmmmmm, One wonders if the Canopy has the knowledge of where the ground really is ..............perhaps the Canopy is really playing with the pilot........Boom Shaka Laka........or as the Dogs put it, ..................Sha.......wanga!!!!!! By the way, tide is alot cheaper than a ride to the local repair shop....... CRWBUDDHA
  2. Perhaps on your quest for knowledge, you will think it appropriate to return to your rigger, without an audience and go through the entire assembly and then repack it together. Perhaps you both will learn something. Nowadays, those who make judgements, sometimes too quickly, might remember their training and go back to the beginning and start again. The answer to your questions is in your hands. Cheers, Buddha
  3. Perhaps the wisdom you seek will be found with the licensed rigger you first engaged. The reserve risers are not interchangeable, as they are an integral part of the harness.....the different colored thread fpund in some webbing is called a 'rouge yarn' and identifies the manufacturer that made it. Perhaps you will learn more from your rigger, who knows you and your equipment than from a disinterested party that who may not be qualified to read a crystal ball. Your DZ rigger deserves to become aware of your concerns and anxieties as well as your respect and praise.......Perhaps you will go to him and tell him you agree....... Best wishes and perhaps you might become a rigger yourself one day.......the first step is to learn from one close at hand.....the rest is up to you. Cheers, CRWBUDDHA
  4. Here's an idea.........take the slider off and go without one.......makes just as much sense as all the modifications you've done to the origional canopy thus far and after a few jumps, maybe you'll figure out a basic fact..........The designer didn't think it was appropriate to consult you for your whims on how to make a parachute.......and how to get consistent results for thousands of operations. CRWBUDDHA
  5. Perhaps the path to your goal would be to find out how to become responsible.... So far you've demonstrated all the possibilities that do not long do you think it will take to change the way you look at things? Good fortune, good hunting........there is no such thing as luck..only circumstances that you create will change the outcometo a desireable one...... Cheers, CRWBUDDHA
  6. Perhaps your quest for enlightenment will find a path to the Radio Station........Time and date will yield the Song and Artist........ CRWBUDDHA
  7. Perhaps your path to tools might begin with going back to your Rigger Instructor and obtaining from him, a minimum operating list ...... then you might go to Para-gear and get those things you will need to Recertilfly Airworthiness of the gear that will presented to you. Cheers and welcome......... CRWBUDDHA
  8. Perhaps you will find the ability to go to the source ... The FAA sets the rules and the maker's operate under them.......... It's their ball, their game and their rules.......Spend the time to get educated with them........... Anything less will gain nothing and continue to broadcast fictional opinions as fact.......... If you really care about your gear, and how to use it, always mindfull of maintaining the least possible risk, you might spend every possible moment getting your information from reliable published FAA approved sources of design and manufacture. By the way, YOU are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of your own equipment, by FAA Rules and Regulations..........Any Rigger who chooses to RECERTIFY AIRWORTHINESS as it may pertain to your equipment, operates under another set of FAA RULES and Regulations......... These Regulations were not designed for your or any other skydivers convienence........they were designed and proven over hundreds of live operations over many years.......and following them will yield very consistent results......... No matter what you may think,assume, presume or even choose to believe on any issue, doubt or question, the answers are found in the RULES and are very easily understood, when one remembers that 'YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN EQUIPMENT." Good Luck and Good Hunting.......if you choose to persue the facts, with the Source, expect to be really glad you did... CRWBUDDHA
  9. Perhaps you would care to disclose the reputable published source, by Title, Article, Page and Paragraph that substantiates your claims of damage due to packing. Upon conclusion of that exercise, perhaps you would disclose those elusive test results from an independant non destructive testing facility proported to substantiate your claims........ Would you please tell me how many tests were performed, on how many parachutes, on what type of fabric, made from what type of fiber, in what type of monitored conditions over what period of time and what year was this undertaken? Fascinated by the prospect of your response...... CRWBUDDHA
  10. Perhaps the answer to the premise you propose lies within the path of this wisdom........ "A friend is someone who gets in the way only if you are on your way down." CRWBUDDHA
  11. Perhaps that which holds you back will release you to enjoy another discipline in the sport you have chosen to persue. Just in case you didn't understand the suggestion from a very knowledgable DOG, .....Numbers don't mean anything........The awareness of your jump leader will be all you need to concern yourself with.. The rest of your introduction and persuit of CRW could be the thrill that takes your breath away..... You too are a CRWDOG, if you wanna be.............Now go Fly......Go ahead..prove it to yourself ...... INCOMING>>>>>>>>HA.! CHEERS AND WELCOME, CRWBUDDHA
  12. Yes, there is no reason you cannot use a dytter ..... Age has nothing to do with a product that does it's task, only care, wear and tear and a new battery now and again......... What you pay for one is up to you and the seller..... Perhaps you will learn that "somebody else's opinion really doesn't fill your purse...." Cheers and contact me if you cannot find what you seek.......I'll be glad to connect you with a unit.... CRWBUDDHA
  13. Perhaps the knowledge you seek will be found on a path to a reputable manufacturer of reserve canopies. You might even consider asking them what are the lifetime limitations of their product. Once you become knowledgable in this area, you might even consider publishing what you discover ...That knowledge seems to be sorely missed amongst the responses you have recieved thus far. Become a mentor to others that'll be glad you did...... Cheers, CRWBUDDHA
  14. Contact the Manufacturers and ask them........... If all else fails, Contact FAA in Atlanta, Engineering Section Chief to get a list of current requirements to fulfill a new TSO........... You'll be surprised at how much is required to fulfill the requirements and more so at how much lyou may have taken for granted.......... Perhaps you will publish word for word what you discover, thereby educating the masses on what they may also very well take for granted....... Cheers and patience.............. CRWBUDDHA
  15. Perhaps the price one pays for too much thinking is within the realm of laundry detergent........ The cost to support one's ego may be very expensive and include, ambulance, trauma surgery, physical therapy and long term rehabilitation...... What you appear to endure at present may be considered growing pains and one might do well to accept them and move on........... Laundry soap is a cheap remedy......Successful growing on the other hand will last indefinately........ Enjoy your journey and become a mentor to another that follows you.. CRWBUDDHA