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    Saw Twice, Beautiful
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  • First Choice Discipline
    Freefall Photography
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    Freefall Photography

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  1. Hehee... I used to jump there a lot. Please tell Kathy I love her. "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana" -Groucho Marx- "Tom flies like a rock" -Tom Carson-
  2. Winsor, It's other skydivers like the one you've been talking to that scare me. I firmly believe that some just should stay on the ground. This guy's gonna get hurt and will probly hurt someone else in the process. Kind'a makes me glad I fly camera and have a "birds eye" view and can choose where to fly and open. Blue Skies! "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana" -Groucho Marx- "Tom flies like a rock" -Tom Carson-
  3. I've been looking at the Digital Rebel. Does it have a remote that we can use skydiving? "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana" -Groucho Marx- "Tom flies like a rock" -Tom Carson-
  4. Hey, what do you think of the Sony TRV950. I'm thinking I can print from the memory stick. "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana" -Groucho Marx- "Tom flies like a rock" -Tom Carson-
  5. How about breaking it into two 1 hour sections. The first going over just the safety aspects of flying camera as Quade suggests. The second on the techniques. and equipment. My biggest concern is low timers not realizing how much flying camera changes things in the air. I've seen some extremely dangersous video. They just don't realize how close they came. "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana" -Groucho Marx- "Tom flies like a rock" -Tom Carson-
  6. I know my gear. I'm always amazed at how other people are more than willing to tell me how to jump it. I love skydiving however, it is a serious sport. I listen politely and wonder " when is this one gonna get hurt" "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana" -Groucho Marx- "Tom flies like a rock" -Tom Carson-
  7. Anyone know where to sell a rig? I have an awesome J-3. I posted here, just looking for more web sites. Blue Skies "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana" -Groucho Marx- "Tom flies like a rock" -Tom Carson-
  8. Always has been the only three important things in life...
  9. I met a guy that lost over 200lbs of ugly fat.... He divorced her.... yuk, yuk, yuk... I have a friend that made a tandem, went home and told her hubby it was over... she has only made one more tandem. Has been sailing for a couple years and just fell in love and got married... Life is good..
  10. "It was my first ex-wife that drove me to skydiving" -unknown skydiver- "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana" -Groucho Marx- "Tom flies like a rock" -Tom Carson-
  11. Not a chance. I didn't vote for him the first time. I love america and wonder why he doesn't. "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana" -Groucho Marx- "Tom flies like a rock" -Tom Carson-
  12. Nice isn't it? I've made a bunch'a jumps. I love the sport. I know people who's lives have changed. Some for the better and a few for the worse. Welcome. Blue Skies! "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana" -Groucho Marx- "Tom flies like a rock" -Tom Carson-
  13. Blue Skies! "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana" -Groucho Marx- "Tom flies like a rock" -Tom Carson-
  14. From what I understand.... He jumped out of a plane at night... Who spotted his exit?? I think he's gott'a be either dead or the luckiest human in history.
  15. You got a deal! Try to have fun ok ;) "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana" -Groucho Marx- "Tom flies like a rock" -Tom Carson-