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    Østre Æra - Norway
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  • First Choice Discipline
    Formation Skydiving
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    Formation Skydiving

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  1. So, who are they up against this time? Can't see nothing bad about the world cup going to South Africa. I wish you the best of luck
  2. yeah, i'm uncurrent, haven't jumped since August 17th. Thinking I might want to jump with a instructor when I get back up in a month as my jump numbers where and are a little low.. Guess you can say I'm really nervous.
  3. Jan Simonsen is an independent member of Norway's parliament, he got kicked out of one of the more right-wing parties, and is known for some rather extreme and untraditional views and opinions. Personally I wouldn't think too much of this nomination (or Hitlers ), as the commity seems to always pick good winners. This prize was divided between several people, and was given in a time were there seemed to be some real progress in the peace process in the middle-east. The prize was given (not only) to Arafat, for something that was an obvious good thing for the middle-east (Oslo peace-treaty (sp?) among other things) and might have led to something if "other events" hadn't interfered.
  4. Gress

    What a week

    Last sunday me and two friends started AFF. Sunday evening, monday and tuesday morning was ground practice. Tuesday afternoon the weather grounded us, so we just relaxed, practiced some more on the first jump, cutaways and so on... Wednesday the weather looked good but the clouds came in and grounded us a few more hours. Then around 8 pm i finally got my rig on, got in the plane and the weather was great. Got 1 jump that day (last load). Thursday i got another 4 jumps and was cleared for aff level 6 on friday morning. Friday morning I went up on loads 1 and 3 to do level 6 and 7 and cleared those. Got one solo jump before the weather moved in again. Saturday the winds was a little higher than I liked it, and I only did one jump. Today I did 3 jumps and then I was out of money. So I went home with a lot less money and the biggest smile ever. Going back to the dz next weekend to finish the A license, convert to hand deployed, get a packing exam and lot's of other stuff that cost money 12 jumps, no failed levels and the most fun I have ever had. I will continue skydiving for sure
  5. Gress

    Gigantic feet??

    my feet are not the biggest (26 cm) , but I know how to use them, so I'm still very proud of them.
  6. Apparently the kid got quite a bad reputation among his (internet)friends after this. So there's a donation thingy going on to buy an ipod for him, as a "we're sorry" gift. It was here but is now closed
  7. Had the same problem when I watched this movie the other day.. I found it boring, the story feels, just like someone said earlier, like a 15 minute tale stretched into 2 hours.. And what's up with the last flying scene where Neo catches Trinity... Wouldn't the acceleration hurt her far more than hitting the ground?
  8. Gress

    mark 666

    Sorry about implying that about you.. Anyway, that got me stuck on 13.. Kind of bad..
  9. Gress

    mark 666

    so this is some kind of post-whore thread then?
  10. Uhhh.. hope that is not the case with the machine in topic.. Stealing from a blind guy.. hehe -Mag
  11. Oh, that poor limo... How does that kind of thing happen?? -Mag
  12. Yes, I would go. Keep an eye the situation and see through june, if it develops to the extreme (Looks like it is developing very bad know) then cancel. Hopefully she'll understand. You could also talk to her, and hear if she has any views of the obvious security risks of going there? Is she scared of going? Also, tell her that you will not go if, when it's time to go, you don't feel it would be right. -Mag
  13. Maybe with the right adjustments you can get a group of skydivers to 12500' ?
  14. My sister experienced some pretty bad breathing problems as a child because of smoking.. Guess my parents learned something the night she almost died from respiratory problems. The doctor said this was only due to smoking. Smoking near children should be illegal, even (or most importantly) in private homes. I'm so happy for the laws in this country. From next year there is absolutely no smoking in any public places (including bars and such).. Hey, adding a ban on people smoking in general, would be nice as a next step.. Yes, I know I'm a little extreme here, but I lost two uncles and one grandparent to smoking. I've seen what smoking does to you. It's not pretty. And they say second-hand smoke is just as bad..... -Mag
  15. LMAO! Yeah, I second that HAHAHAHA!