2014, Easter weekend.. I was doing a hop and pop. Everything felt great prior to jumping. I did not party the night before, I was hydrated and everything. I jumped out, did my checks and next thing you know I passed out. I remember seeing the DZ and I was above a cloud. It was beautiful.
I was in and out.. I remember briefly waking up, seeing the sunset and people around me and then lost consciousness. I woke up again for a few seconds and I was in a helicopter. Lost consciousness again and finally woke up in the hospital with people taking off my wig. lmao. It's a miracle that I did not die and had no broken bones. All I had was a severe concussion and a few torn ligaments that required therapy.
All of my friends panicked and raised money for me They thought the worse. From what I was told, the pilot was made aware of me passing out, they said I began to head towards a forest.. and I was going downwind, I went through the trees and then I just dropped. I have no idea how high this was.. We concluded that it was my safety straps and possibly my helmet. It was my first time with a closed face helmet. Upon opening I immediately felt dizzy but, I tried to stay calm. After my checks I felt I was about to puke, and I could not breathe and I began to panic a little. It was clear my straps were the problem though because I had bruises. I think there were a few tandems on that plane and I really hope I did not scare them. I believe this was jump #55. A lot of people thought I faked passing out which is beyond me. Why would I fake something like that.. we know there are assholes everywhere but, God shielded me that day.
After the incident.. I believe it was about 3 months later I decided to get back up there. I did a few tandems to make sure I did not pass out, did my check dive and then I was cleared to jump solo again. I jumped 10 more times and it's safe to say I am no longer jumping. Unless I do a tandem with my boyfriend or I'm indoors. but, mother trucker. It's safe to say I have lived . I donated my helmet to ( I forgot her name but, she turns helmets into works of art). Stay safe out there friends!! <3